
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


grasp の用法_17_名詞_9_理解力_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。・Without your grasp of the situation and your decisive actions, we might have lost two fine officers. I am going to write a report about your actions and submit it to the mayor. (あなたが状況を把握し、果敢に行…

grasp の用法_16_名詞_8_理解力_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Confused in what I had believed in and that to which is within my grasp of some memory lingering deep in my brain. What I have within me is burning now, changing me. (今まで信じていたものと、脳裏に残っている…

grasp の用法_15_名詞_7_理解力_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・As far as I know, I have a pretty solid grasp of reality. Certainly I have my memory issues, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my grasp of reality! ( 私の知る限り、私は現実をかなりしっかりと把握して…

grasp の用法_14_名詞_6_理解力_1

本日からは「理解力」の用法を扱います。 ・You will then need to apply your understanding of the passage, coupled with your grasp of key transitional words in the passage, to correctly choose the word that best fits with the overall meaning …

grasp の用法_13_名詞_5_握ること・理解すること_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・That is why isolated individuals seem to have a poor grasp of reality. That is why, for the good of society as a whole, they must not be allowed to suffer isolation. (こういったことから、孤立した人は現実をよ…

grasp の用法_12_名詞_4_握ること・理解すること_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Americans are certainly more confident in their own personal level of understanding of healthcare reform, but even with that, half don't believe that they personally have a good grasp of what's involved. (ア…

grasp の用法_11_名詞_3_握ること・理解すること_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Though fighting in the thickest of the press, he never lost his grasp of the general purpose of the battle. (最も厚い報道陣の中で戦いながらも、彼は決して戦いの大義名分を見失うことはなかった。) www.google.co.j…

grasp の用法_10_名詞_2_握ること・理解すること_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・If you want to get a grasp of how a computer could be conscious, it's no more difficult in the end than getting a grasp of how a brain could be conscious. (コンピュータがどのように意識を持つことができるかを把…

grasp の用法_9_名詞_1_握ること・理解すること_1

本日からは名詞の用法です。 ・She held onto her songbook with both hands, with all ten fingers, as though she were afraid that somebody might snatch it from her grasp. (両手で、10本の指を全部使って、まるで誰かに奪われるのを恐れているかのよ…

grasp の用法_8_自動詞_2_つかむ

本日は「つかむ」の用法を扱います。 ・He progressed a few feet, almost close enough to grasp at the edge, then the white arms curled smoothly around his body and inexorably pulled him down. Within a few more seconds the surface of the pool …

grasp の用法_7_自動詞_1_把握する

本日からは自動詞の用法を扱います。 ・Explorations in teaching the phenomenological method: challenging psychology students to “grasp at meaning” in human science research. (現象学的手法の教授法の探究: 心理学の学生が人間科学の研究において「…

grasp の用法_6_他動詞_6_<意味・状況などを>把握する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Looking around the staging area, Ralph couldn't grasp what to do next. He realized he was washed out, lost in a mental fog. (ラルフは会場を見渡しながら、次に何をすべきなのかが分からなかった。ラルフは、自分が…

grasp の用法_5_他動詞_5_<意味・状況などを>把握する_1

本日からは「<意味・状況などを>把握する」の用法を扱います。 ・I will use these formative assessments to determine how well my students have grasped this concept and if there are any elements we should review before moving forward. (私はこれ…

grasp の用法_4_他動詞_4_<チャンスなどを>つかむ

本日は「<チャンスなどを>つかむ」の用法を扱います。 ・Grasp every opportunity to help the depressed, and encourage the young and inexperienced by being quicker to praise than to blame. Study this inspiring verse and let it help you every da…

grasp の用法_3_他動詞_3_(しっかりと)握る・つかむ_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Grasp all, lose all: one who wants everything, may lose it all. (全てを得れば、全てを失う: 全てを欲する者は、全てを失う可能性がある。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】Grasp all, lose all. で「欲張りの丸損」を意味し…

grasp の用法_2_他動詞_2_(しっかりと)握る・つかむ_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Damien reached out to him — and then, remembering what the Forest's monarch had said about Healing, used the hand that was free of ointment to grasp him by the shoulder. (ダミアンは彼に手を伸ばした。そして、…

grasp の用法_1_他動詞_1_(しっかりと)握る・つかむ_1

本日からは grasp の用法を扱います。・Reach up and grasp the rope with both hands and swing the legs up to assume the position used when climbing a vertical rope. Leading with the head, traverse the rope horizontally by pulling with the arm…

grab の用法_26_名詞_6_grabber_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Psychologist Knaus calls the credit grabber who takes credit for everything a “mind pirate.” This is the worst kind of credit grabber. According to Knaus, some mind- pirate bosses use tyrannical procedures as…

grab の用法_25_名詞_5_grabber_1

本日は派生語のgrabberの用法を扱います。 ・Grabber The first to appear in a sales letter, the grabber serves to catch the eye of readers and to cajole them to read on. (キャッチフレーズ: セールスレターで最初に登場するキャッチフレーズは、読…

grab の用法_24_名詞_4_連語

本日は名詞の連語用法です。 ・The most straightforward answer is 'Yes - everything is up for grabs in a democracy, including the rights associated with democracy itself.' Or, certainly, everything is up for grabs which is the subject of goo…

grab の用法_23_名詞_3_物をつかむ道具[機械]

本日からは「物をつかむ道具[機械]」の用法を扱います。 ・At the end of the proboscis were grasping spines; these are theorised to have served as a grab to catch prey, which would then be brought to the mouth, which was located underneath the…

grab の用法_22_名詞_2_つかむこと_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Suddenly he made a grab at the sand, and then opened his hand wide to see what he had caught. (突然、砂をつかむような動作をしたかと思うと、手を大きく広げて何をつかんだのか確認した。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】…

grab の用法_21_名詞_1_つかむこと_1

本日からは名詞の用法を扱います。 ・The father made a grab for the two children. Everybody in the camp scattered. Shots rang out from every direction. (父親が二人の子どもをつかまえた。キャンプにいた全員が散り散りになっていた。四方八方から銃…

grab の用法_20_動詞の連語_2_grab on to A_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Josh instantly grabbed on to the idea, enhancing it with details that Eric never before considered. The two of them found themselves still discussing the idea two hours later. (ジョシュは、そのアイデアを瞬時…

grab の用法_19_動詞の連語_1_grab on to A_1

本日は連語の用法を扱います。 ・I grabbed on to her to keep her in the shelter. It was near sundown when the cannons stopped firing and the sounds of battle ceased. We stepped out of the cellar and stood listening. There was nothing. Not a …

grab の用法_18_自動詞_4_<機会・招待など>に飛びつく_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The major grabbed at the invitation and told Robbie he'd call him during the week. Wee Dunkie insisted on a last dram for the road then was finally hauled off by Morag. Jo and Jamie were the last of the group…

grab の用法_17_自動詞_3_<機会・招待など>に飛びつく_1

本日からは「<機会・招待など>に飛びつく」の用法を扱います。 ・As three PM approached, I grabbed at the chance to stop my circuitous thoughts, snatched up my purse, and left the motel. (午後3時になると、私は回りくどい考えをやめて、財布を持っ…

grab の用法_16_自動詞_2_つかもうとする_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I released a sigh and grabbed for my phone that had started ringing. (私はため息をついて、鳴り始めた携帯電話に手を伸ばした。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】grab for one's phone で「電話に手を伸ばす」を意味します。…