
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


fool の用法_24_他動詞_6_だます_6

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“Fooled you! Ha, ha, ha! I fooled you!” Just as she started to stick her tongue out at them, grandpa rushed over to her and swooped her up in his arms. (「わーい、だまされた、だまされた!」と言ってべーとしよ…

fool の用法_23_他動詞_5_だます_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・You almost had me fooled. Almost bamboozled me like the rest. But, I noticed. I noticed the subtle signs you left me. (もう少しで騙されるところでした。他の人たちのように騙されるところでした 。しかし、私は気づ…

fool の用法_22_他動詞_4_だます_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・You could have fooled me, could have fooled everyone else. You could have been the worst murderer and traitor in CIA history. (あなたは私を騙せたかもしれないし、他のみんなも騙せたかもしれないし、CIA史上最悪の…

fool の用法_21_他動詞_3_だます_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Her green eyes fooled people into believing she was nicer than she was, and Kate liked this. (彼女の緑色の瞳は、人を騙して本当の自分よりも素敵だと信じ込ませませ流ものでしたが、ケイトはそれを好んでいました。) …

fool の用法_20_他動詞_2_だます_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Two messages emerge from the parashah: don't be fooled by appearances, and staying true to one's principles will protect one from being corrupted. (「外見に惑わされるな」「自分の信念に忠実であれば、堕落から身…

fool の用法_19_他動詞_1_だます_1

本日からは他動詞の用法を扱います。本日からは「だます」の用法を扱います。 ・Please do not fool yourself by pretending that you do not have any stress. You cannot cure yourself if you do not confess disease. You need not assign a numerical n…

fool の用法_18_名詞・連語_10_not suffer fools (gladly)

本日は not suffer fools (gladly) の用法を扱います。 ・Israel's wise did not suffer fools gladly. While they had every hope that the simple would heed their instruction and become wise, they expected nothing of the sort from the fool. (イス…

fool の用法_17_名詞・連語_9_more fool A

本日は more fool A の用法を扱います。 ・More fool you - you know what she’s like! (馬鹿なのはお前だ!彼女がどんな人間か知ってるだろ!?) books.google.co.jp 【研究】more fool you [me] で「馬鹿なのはお前だ[私だ]」を意味します。これはイギリス…

fool の用法_16_名詞・連語_8_make a fool (out) of oneself

本日は make a fool (out) of oneself の用法を扱います。 ・One, you get nervous because you're worried that you're going to make a fool out of yourself. You are! Everyone does. Please don't think you are unique and that you're the only perso…

fool の用法_15_名詞・連語_7_make a fool (out) of A_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Don't take yourself too seriously: What does it really matter if we make fools out of ourselves, say the wrong things or make a mistake? Life could end tomorrow or we could live to be a hundred years old. (深…

fool の用法_14_名詞・連語_6_make a fool (out) of A_1

本日からは make a fool (out) of A の用法を扱います。 ・No one can make a fool out of you unless you think you're a fool. If your friends laugh at you because your wife has been unfaithful, you don't have to feel like a fool. You haven't do…

fool の用法_13_名詞・連語_5_be no [nobody's] fool

本日は be no [nobody's] fool の用法を扱います。 ・You can see at a glance that this scholar is nobody's fool. He perceived at once that I like to travel without stepping out of my house or leaving my country or even going out of myself. (…

fool の用法_12_名詞・連語_4_be living in fool's paradise

本日は be living in fool's paradise の用法を扱います。 ・He was a man of optimism but optimism should be to a point; anything beyond that would be living in fool's paradise. (彼は楽観主義者だが、楽観主義はある程度までで、それ以上は愚か者の…

fool の用法_11_名詞・連語_3_be fool enough to do

本日は be fool enough to do の用法を扱います。 ・Well, I could bear that, but what I can't bear is to have a son that is fool enough to go about saying so. It seems I'm not good enough to be the father of this son. (まあ、それはそれで我慢…

fool の用法_10_名詞・連語_2_any fool can [could] do

本日は any fool can [could] do の用法を扱います。 ・A mathematical proposition without its demonstration is worthless to any mathematician; because stating a proposition is easy: any fool can do it, but not everyone can prove it. (数学の命…

fool の用法_9_名詞・連語_1_act the fool

本日からは名詞の連語の用法です。frown ・If he was going to act the fool, she was going to at least keep an eye on him. Creed frowned at her but didn't suggest she leave. (彼が馬鹿なことをするなら、彼女は少なくとも彼から目を離さないつもりで…

fool の用法_8_名詞_8_熱中する人・マニア

本日は「熱中する人」の用法です。 ・'I'm a fool for you,' he said lightly. She smiled at that and, lifting his hand, he stroked her hair away from her face. (「君に夢中なんだ」と彼は優しい声でつぶやいた。すると彼女は笑みを浮かべ、彼女の顔に…

fool の用法_7_名詞_7_愚か者_7

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“There is no fool like an old fool,” said Tennyson, but it is equally true that there is no fool like the young fool. (「年寄りの馬鹿ほど馬鹿はいない 」とテニスンは言ったが、若い馬鹿ほど馬鹿はいないことも同様…

fool の用法_6_名詞_6_愚か者_6

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・He had been very emphatic in his belief that a fool and his money are soon parted. Up to the time of his death I had been in no way qualified to dispute this ancient theory. (彼は「愚か者はすぐにお金を使い果…

fool の用法_5_名詞_5_愚か者_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・He was “a fool of a president.” Calvin Coolidge resented the praise heaped on Herbert Hoover in the press even before he became president. (彼は「愚かな大統領 」だった。カルヴィン・クーリッジはハーバート・フ…

fool の用法_4_名詞_4_愚か者_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・But he also knew that a man would have to be a fool to say no to Ava, whatever her demands. (しかし、エヴァの要求がどうであれ、断るのは愚かな男であることも知っていた。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】a fool to do …

fool の用法_3_名詞_3_愚か者_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Inexperienced people become involved in situations that more intelligent people avoid. (「天使が怖がるところに馬鹿が突進してくる」とは、経験の浅い人は、より知性の高い…

fool の用法_2_名詞_2_愚か者_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Yet while I kept it together on the outside, the anxiety of being completely deceived kept creeping into the recesses of my mind. I felt so alone. I felt so stupid. I felt like such a fool. (しかし、表向きは…

fool の用法_1_名詞_1_愚か者_1

本日からは fool の用法を扱います。本日は「愚か者」の用法です。 ・Don't be a damn fool. You worked hard for that big or small house you live in. I don't give a damn if it's a section eight house, it's your shit. How you will end up, is find…

follow の用法_44_連語_10_to follow

本日は to follow の用法を扱います。 ・It was like Sunday lunch in the vicarage, a leg of lamb or topside of beef with apple tart to follow, and Bridget, our maid, bustling from hob to oven and smacking our fingers with a spoon whenever we …

follow の用法_43_連語_9_follow up with A

本日は follow up with A の用法を扱います。 ・These innovators began with concrete steps and followed up with structural change that supported the behavioral change they sought. For instance, Neil Behan wanted more open and in-depth communi…

follow の用法_42_連語_8_follow A up[up A]

本日は follow A up[up A] の用法を扱います。 ・When they reached the spot indicated on the map at the foot of the cliff, Alex followed the way up with his eyes. (崖のふもとにある地図に示された場所に着くと、アレックスは目で道を追いながら登っ…

follow の用法_41_連語_7_follow up

本日は follow up の用法を扱います。 ・In mid-January 2020, Putin followed up on the theme in his annual address to the State Duma. He suggested several amendments to the 1993 constitution (President of Russia, 15 January 2020). (2020年1月…

follow の用法_40_連語_6_follow A through[through A]

本日は follow A through[through A] の用法を扱います。 ・I just hope that you'll follow this through to the end and not make us regret it. (ただ、後悔させないように、最後まで貫いてほしいですね。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】follow A through[th…

follow の用法_39_連語_5_follow through

本日は follow through の用法を扱います。 ・Gloria had the tenacity to follow through with the assignment, but she did not appreciate the way the conversation went. The caller lacked having autonomous behavior. Gloria had the integral parts…