
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


guess の用法_7_他動詞_7_(なんとなく)〜と思う_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I guess if you're irritable, it sends people a message. It's like winning or losing. I don't care if I win or lose, especially if it's at the expense of someone else. If someone else needs to win, that's fine.…

PC & Web 活用2023 年度前期最新版<発展編>

youtu.be 最先端人工知能のモデルChatGPT を徹底解説!その他さまざまな世界最高水準の AI 技法を習得し、至極のテクニックを入手する!(録画配信あり) https://www.sunflare.com/academy/?p=18132

guess の用法_6_他動詞_6_(なんとなく)〜と思う_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。・But I just—my goal, I guess, is to help people get out, help them be successful, try and do the same thing myself. I teach. I'm a GED teacher. I've been helping guys get their GEDs and graduate.” Elliott told …

guess の用法_5_他動詞_5_(なんとなく)〜と思う_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“I guess I'm not hungry anymore,” Edna said. She stood at the window staring out into the dark. I could see out the window past her some yellowish foggy glow in the sky. (「もうお腹は空いてないみたい」とエド…

guess の用法_4_他動詞_4_(なんとなく)〜と思う_1

本日からは「(なんとなく)〜と思う」の用法を扱います。 ・“Well, I guess I'll see you later. Let me know if anything big comes out of your lunch together.” “Randy, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself but thanks for worrying about …

guess の用法_3_他動詞_3_推測・推量する_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Anna found it harder to guess the age of an Englisch woman than an Amish woman, but she'd guess the woman to be about Anna's age or maybe a few years older. (アンナは、アーミッシュの女性よりもイギリス人女性の…

guess の用法_2_他動詞_2_推測・推量する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・'Can you guess what he is?' Bauer asked. 'No idea.' 'Damn. I hoped you could tell us.' Matasumi forced a pained smile. Tess gave an obligatory laugh. (「奴は一体何者?」バウアーが聞いた。「見当もつきませんよ…

guess の用法_1_他動詞_1_推測・推量する_1

本日からは guess の用法を扱います。 ・Leroy guessed from that that they would be on the train for at least one night and that they were going some distance. He heard the usual stuff. Some said California. Some said Florida. Leroy guessed e…

grow の用法_51_連語_23_grow up on A

本日は grow up on A の用法を扱います。 ・I seemed to grow up on The Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel ... I was so keen that when I was seventeen I hitched to London to see the Rolling Stones play. I was gone a week and I should have been at…

grow の用法_50_連語_22_grow up_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In the Middle Ages, the city grew up around Glasgow Cathedral. As the city expanded along with the growing transatlantic trade, wealthy tobacco and cotton traders built palatial houses here. (中世には、グラス…

grow の用法_49_連語_21_grow up_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I grew up as a fourth girl child born in a family of nine, from a polygamous father who had fourteen children in total. I was named Avis. (私は14人の子どもを持つ一夫多妻制の父親から、9人家族の4番目の女の子と…

grow の用法_48_連語_20_grow up_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・No one who grew up in New York City actually knows how to answer this question until they meet people who didn't grow up in New York City and realize what a weird, incredible, terrifying experience a New York…

grow の用法_47_連語_19_ grow up_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I have seen parents who bear eternal guilt because their children grew up to be criminals, addicts, or otherwise dysfunctional. (私は、自分の子どもが犯罪者や麻薬中毒者、その他の機能不全者に育ったために、永遠…

grow の用法_46_連語_18_ grow up_1

本日からは grow up の用法を扱います。 ・When you were seven and were asked what you would like to be when you grow up, what did you answer? (7歳のときに「大きくなったら何になりたいか」と聞かれたとき、あなたは何と答えましたか。) www.google.…

grow の用法_45_連語_17_ grow A out[out A]_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・And some historians speculate that Saddam's ill-conceived invasion of Kuwait grew out of a misunderstanding with the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. (また、サダムのクウェート侵攻は、駐イラク米国大使エ…

grow の用法_44_連語_16_ grow A out[out A]_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Children grow out of certain disabilities caused by TBI but may grow into new ones. Functions that escaped damage by the impact can later pay the price of compensation for the recovery of those functions prim…

Grammarist のYouTube広告

www.youtube.com PC&Web セミナーの姉妹講座として新たに「グラマーマラソン講座グラマリスト(基礎、初級~中級、中級~上級、発展)」が誕生しました。本セミナーは、英語教育歴 40 年以上の講師が ICT テクノロジーを使って全く新しい形の「文法講座」を開…

grow の用法_43_連語_15_ grow A out[out A]_1

本日からは grow A out[out A] の用法を扱います。 ・When a child grows out of an item of clothing, they become so tall or big that it no longer fits them properly. (成長期の子どもは、背が高くなったり、大きくなったりして、その服のサイズが合わ…

grow の用法_42_連語_14_ grow out

本日は grow out の用法を扱います。 ・His hair grew out over the summer too, so shaggy blond strands keeps flicking into his eyes as we play. I don't understand how it doesn't bother him. I'm distracted by it, and it's not even my face. (夏…

grow の用法_41_連語_13_ grow on A _2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・But he grew on us just as he grew on everybody he worked with, and before long there wasn't a correspondent who didn't swear by him. Despite his mildness the general was not what you would. (しかし、彼は一緒…

grow の用法_40_連語_12_ grow on A _1

本日からは grow on A の用法を扱います。 ・"Because of his enthusiasm, he kind of grew on people," says Houk. "With his personality, all you could do was like him." (「その熱意から、彼はどんどん人を惹きつけていったようです」とホウクは言う。…

grow の用法_39_連語_11_ grow into A _5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I came to share your home in such a strange way that I, as it were, grew into the situation, accepting it as normal. And I love Nora now dearer than if she were a sister. (私は奇妙な形であなたの家を共有するよ…

grow の用法_38_連語_10_ grow into A _4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Over time, I grew into the task, and we were enormously successful. Death penalty defense has changed. So have I. My broader ideas about managing and leading change have been tested and refined, and now I wan…

grow の用法_37_連語_9_ grow into A _3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“That's a very old ring, Merry. It belonged to Nellie Winslow, your great-grandmother. Your great-grandfather Henry gave it to her when they married.” “Oh, it's so pretty, but it's too big.” “You'll have to g…

grow の用法_36_連語_8_ grow into A _2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Called simply Spurgeons, the effort begun by a young preacher has grown into an international charity, serving children and families throughout the United Kingdom, as well as in Africa and Eastern Europe. (若…

grow の用法_35_連語_7_ grow into A _1

本日からは grow into A の用法を扱います。 ・She wanted all of her decision to be God's will. That's what she had done, followed the will of God. In doing so, she was a happy woman. One day, the mother returned home. The little girl had gro…

grow の用法_34_連語_6_ grow back _2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Malnourishment due to the harsh conditions at the camp had caused all her teeth to fall out and her fingernails never grew back. When Belgium was liberated Vera climbed on to an Allied tank and directed the t…

grow の用法_33_連語_5_ grow back _1

本日からは grow back の用法を扱います。 ・The hair under my arms grew back in quickly; after several months of growth, though, it all but stopped. So, to this day, I rarely, if ever, need to shave. I still don't have hair on my arms and ha…

grow の用法_32_連語_4_grow away from A_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・She had never felt particularly religious herself, and as she got older, she grew away from the church. When Mary graduated from high school, she saw college as an excuse to get away from her family and town.…

grow の用法_31_連語_3_grow away from A_1

本日からは grow away from A の用法を扱います。 ・Two important stimuli for plants are light and gravity. Shoots normally grow towards light. Roots do not usually respond to light, but a few grow away from it. (植物にとって重要な刺激は光と…