本日からは自動詞用法を扱います。 ・Carol grabbed at the bag, threw it to the floor and Cassie saw it land in a puddle. She gasped, turned to the wall and closed her eyes. She couldn't look, knowing that the water was undoubtedly spoiling a…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・There are no meetings to attend and no corporate headquarters or hot - shot executives who can change the plan or grab your earnings. (また、本社や有力な経営陣が計画を変更したり、あなたの利益を奪ったりするこ…
次回は「<食べ物・睡眠など>を素早く取る」を扱います。・It was early yet, and the store did not open until noon, so we decided to walk along Broadway until we found a place to grab a bite to eat. That would kill time and move us closer to an…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“Yes, how does Neil's plan grab you, Paul?” Mrs Scott asked her husband, placing a hand on his arm. (「そうね、ニールの計画はどうかしら、ポール?」スコット夫人は、夫の腕に手を置きながら尋ねた。) www.google.co…
本日からは「<注意・人など>をひきつける」の用法を扱います。 ・Also, for the first time in recent years, television hit with shows that grabbed a young audience (Friends and XFiles to name two). In 2003–2007 labels blamed filesharing as the …
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・So I tidied up my affairs in Kansas City, took a back seat in the trucking firm – which incidentally I've still got; it became an enormous firm, thanks to the bully – sold for a loss here, grabbed a profit th…
本日からは「<席・利益など>を奪い取る」の用法を扱います。 ・Someone grabbed the seat before Josh could get to it, so he settled for a seat two rows behind the guy with the tie, allowing Gina to scoot in first and grab the window seat. She r…
本日は「<好機を>つかむ」の用法を扱います。 ・Do we grab the opportunity and run with it ‒ do we jump into action and risk failure, ridicule and defeat ? Or do we put it off and wait for a more' opportune' moment or until things become a li…
本日は「<タクシーを>捕まえる」の用法を扱います。 ・Throughout the meal, while she was trying to talk to the children, Catriona listened for the sound of the doorbell, ready to rush out and grab the taxi, make him wait while she collected h…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・She had been grabbed by the police as she clung to the compound gate. She would later tell me that the police had seized her, thrown her to the ground and began to drag her by her hair. (彼女は敷地内の門にし…
本日からは「<人を>捕まえる・逮捕する」の用法を扱います。 ・The police grabbed the criminal before he committed another crime. (警察は、犯人が別の犯罪を犯す前に捕まえた。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】grab the criminal で「犯人を捕まえる」を意…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Shaking, she grabbed her bag and turned it upside down on the bed. The contents came cascading out, but there was no glittering fob watch on a diamond brooch. (震えながら、彼女はバッグを手に取り、ベッドの上で…
本日からは「ひったくる」の用法を扱います。 ・Damien grabbed a gun from one of the officers. He was waving it around screaming. “Son give me the gun!” said the officer. “No! You killed my mother,” he said. (ダミアンは警官の1人から銃を奪って…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・An inner voice spoke to her and demanded that she grab hold of the handle. Gingerly, she walked up to it and closed her hand around its silvery base. The heat that spread up her arm was pleasing and seemed to…
本日からは grab の用法です。 ・I grabbed him by the arm and said, “Do you want to follow me, or do you want me to follow you?” I shook him and he never turned around to look at me, and I said, “Come on!” (私は彼の腕を掴んで言った 「俺につ…
本日は連語の用法です。 ・The maintenance guidelines given in this chapter are based on more than 50 years of electrical maintenance and engineering experience in generating stations. (本章で示すメンテナンスのガイドラインは、50年以上にわた…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・On the other hand, if you finish a drawing very quickly and the witness appears to have more to say, you may need to increase the scale of the faces you draw. (一方、非常に早く描き終えて、証人がもっと言いたい…
本日からは「(動きを伴って)<線・面・図形・立体など>を描く」の用法を扱います。 ・It's easy for me to draw a line between what we are willing to do to each other & what we are willing to do to the planet. Given we are residents, aren't they ofte…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Occupants and systems generate heat inside an airplane fuselage, which must be removed to maintain an acceptable ambient environment. (航空機の機体内部では、乗員やシステムから熱が発生するため、その熱を除去し…
本日からは「<エネルギーなどを>発生させる」の用法を扱います。・Armenia introduced tax breaks for households that generate electricity from small-scale solar and wind facilities for their own consumption and distribution through the national…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Perhaps the dozens of ostensible causes of interest work because they affect the appraisals that generate interest. (おそらく、何十種類もある表向きの利害関係の原因は、利害関係を生む鑑定に影響を与えるから機能…
本日からは「<感情などを>引き起こす」を扱います。 ・CEOs can generate excitement, but they depend on mid-level executives to generate movement. Action comes from the middle layers of an organization getting excited about what the top layer …
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Remember, in order to consistently generate sales leads, we have to be proactive and persistent, and we must plan our prospecting to maximize our chances of being successful. (見込み客をコンスタントに生み出す…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In order to maximize your earnings with Google Adsense, you need to focus on optimizing your click-through rates, so that your website visitors are motivated to click on your ads, which in turn, generate prof…
本日から「<莫大な>利益を産む」の用法を扱います。 ・Did you know there are people out there making six figure incomes each year from just blogging? It'strue. People alloverthe world are discovering ways to generate income from their blogs. …
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Many recipes from this book assume that the user knows how to generate a new plugin, such as portlet, hook, or web. We will show you how to generate a new portlet using Apache Maven archetypes. (この本の多く…
本日からは generate の用法です。 ・Companies must generate new ideas and techniques, using multimedia or personal visits and BTL techniques to overcome the paucity of mass media. (企業は、マスメディアの不足を克服するために、マルチメディア…
本日は「集合・収集・収穫量」の用法を扱います。 ・Under normal conditions, the roundup strategy would call for the crew to start the gather on the south end, push everything north, and pen them. On the Crown Ranch, conventional strategy did…
本日からは名詞の用法を扱います。 ・Adjust the gathers on the Skirt Ruffle so that the two tubes are the same circumference and the gathers are equally distributed around the Skirt Ruffle. Finish aligning and pinning the two edges to be joi…
本日からは連語の用法です。 ・I gathered her in my arms, holding her tightly, never wanting to let her go. 'You're safe,' she almost choked. (私は彼女を抱き寄せ「あなたはもう安全だから」と言って決して離そうとはしませんでした。彼女はほとんど…