
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


follow の用法_38_連語_4_follow A out[out A]

本日は follow A out[out A] の用法を扱います。 ・Then he hires contractors to follow out his orders or he sells his ideas to people. He never gets his hands dirty and doesn't do the work for himself. I call that lame. He just sits in his ho…

follow の用法_37_連語_3_follow on

本日は follow on の用法を扱います。 ・The second major financial issue for the Paris conference will be the definition of the new post-2020 architecture that will follow on from the $100 billion. (パリ会議の第二の大きな財政問題は、1000億ド…

follow の用法_36_連語_2_follow A around[about]

本日は follow A around[about]の用法を扱います。 ・Never again will you sit on the end of my bed, follow me around, or disrupt my dates with other women ! (もう二度と私のベッドの端に座ったり、付きまとったり、他の女性とのデートを邪魔したりし…

follow の用法_35_連語_1_as follows

本日からは連語の用法を扱います。 ・The in the latency stage the virus is transmittable and contagious (Jin et al; 2020). The host-virus interaction stages are as follows a) attachment, b) penetration, c) biosynthesis, d) maturation and e) …

follow の用法_34_自動詞_8_[否定文・疑問文]理解する

本日は「[否定文・疑問文]理解する」の用法を扱います。 ・"But—you'll excuse me—I don't quite follow—" Mr. Jope pressed a forefinger mysteriously to his lip, then jerked a thumb in the direction of the river. "If your Reverence wouldn' mind s…

follow の用法_33_自動詞_7_結果として起こる

本日は「結果として起こる」の用法を扱います。 ・Most of us think that if morality requires you to do something, then it follows that you ought to do it. (私たちの大半は、道徳に基づいて何か行う必要があるならば、当然それを行うべきと考えていま…

follow の用法_32_自動詞_6_<事が>続いて起こる_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: 8. In this passage, the word 'brood' refers to - (a) polio victims (b) foreign children (c) children in the family (d) Indian Children (次の文章を…

follow の用法_31_自動詞_5_<事が>続いて起こる_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・There followed a few seconds of intense stomping and then the reverberations began. There was a deafening buzzing, as if a big booming bee had entered the lab. (数秒間、激しい踏みつけが続いた後、残響が始まっ…

follow の用法_30_自動詞_4_<事が>続いて起こる_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・There is no doubt that they all made the most of their break, and a repeat performance will follow, shortly. (彼らは皆、間違いなく休みを最大限に活用したので、近いうちに再演が行われることでしょう。) www.google…

follow の用法_29_自動詞_3_<事が>続いて起こる_1

本日からは「<事が>続いて起こる」の用法を扱います。 ・Up and down the country there were families who had only just received news of the deaths of loved ones and in the days that followed many more were to suffer in the same way. (国中のあ…

follow の用法_28_自動詞_2_<人などの後に>ついて行く[来る] _2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・But even so, he smiled when he heard her laugh happily and followed after her. When they reached the reef, Jade stopped. When she looked up, she saw a shining lighthouse in the distance. (それでも、彼女が楽し…

follow の用法_27_自動詞_1_<人などの後に>ついて行く[来る] _1

次回からは自動詞用法を扱います。 ・Emergency services follow closely behind and arrive within minutes of the phone call. “Let's go ma'am,” one of the dispatchers says, escorting Amanda off the property. (電話から数分後、救急隊がすぐさま到…

follow の用法_26_他動詞_26_(SNSで)<人を>フォローする

本日は「(SNSで)<人を>フォローする」の用法を扱います。 ・To access the latest episodes of The Wealth Confidant podcast, and other tools and resources for a truly wealthy life, please visit my website at www.jcchristianson.com. Feel free to …

follow の用法_25_他動詞_25_<ある職業に>従事する

本日は「<ある職業に>従事する」の用法を扱います。 ・Dr. William Hooker had thirteen children; two sons followed the medical profession. (ウィリアム・フッカー博士には13人の子供がおり、2人の息子は医学の道に進みました。) www.google.co.jp 【研…

follow の用法_24_他動詞_24_<宗教・思想などを>信奉する

本日は「<宗教・思想などを>信奉する」の用法を扱います。 ・While Betty Jo is ostensibly still a Christian, the manner in which she follows Christianity is shown to hinder, rather than help, her wellbeing. (ベティ・ジョーは表向きはまだキリス…

follow の用法_23_他動詞_23_<説明などを>理解する

本日は「<説明などを>理解する」の用法を扱います。 ・"Susan do you follow me?"I asked. "Sure I do Rob, but I think real people don't have any time for playing mind games." (「スーザン、わかってる?」と私は尋ねた。「もちろんよ、ロブ。でもみん…

follow の用法_22_他動詞_22_<人・事など>を追う・扱う

本日は「<人・事など>を追う・扱う」の用法を扱います。 ・This is a documentary following three teenage boys in Illinois. It illustrates the power and harm of hegemonic masculinity on their lives. Always Jane (2021). A four-part documentary f…

follow の用法_21_他動詞_21_<研究・チームなどに>注目する

本日は「<研究・チームなどに>注目する」の用法を扱います。 ・For years, we've been following the drama of people crossing the Mediterranean, taking unimaginable risks to get from Africa to Europe. (アフリカからヨーロッパへ、想像を絶する危険…

follow の用法_20_他動詞_20_<人・事・物を>目[耳]で追う

本日は「<人・事・物を>目[耳]で追う」の用法を扱います。 ・He turned and followed a car with his eyes as it cruised past them and on up toward the church. They could just see the clock on the spire, where the pale face shone like the moon. (…

follow の用法_19_他動詞_19_<人・例などに>ならう、まねる_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・She'd followed her father into medicine. Kathleen imagined a woman who was part Ruth, part Adam, and wished now that she'd asked Liza to send the photos. Ruth was proud of Hannah, just as Kathleen was proud o…

follow の用法_18_他動詞_18_<人・例などに>ならう、まねる_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・If you follow the trend, you will learn that nothing changes except the details when the issue concerns the white, the rich, and the powerful. (白人と金持ちと権力者に関わる問題であれば、細部以外は何も変わらな…

follow の用法_17_他動詞_17_<人・例などに>ならう、まねる_1

本日からは「<人・例などに>ならう、まねる」の用法を扱います。 ・The other chiefs quickly followed his example. Unable to understand a word of the dialogue between Uwaiyah and the mighty personage with a face like fire, they had no idea what…

follow の用法_16_他動詞_16_<道などが>(川などに)沿って延びている

本日は「<道などが>(川などに)沿って延びている」の用法を扱います。 ・At 1,600 feet above sea level, this is one of US83's prettiest reaches through Texas, as the road follows the clear, cold Frio River through 17 miles of cypress, pecan, liv…

follow の用法_15_他動詞_15_(道・川などに>沿っていく

本日は「(道・川などに>沿っていく」の用法を扱います。 ・Follow this road until the junction with the D10 and take the D788 exit. Follow the D788 until the junction with the D69 at the edge of Plouvorn. (この道路をD10との交差点まで進み、D788…

follow の用法_14_他動詞_14_<標識など>に従う

本日は「<標識など>に従う」の用法を扱います。 ・For the first of these, follow the signs for Lanzo d'Intelvi (6km), from where there are signs to glorious Cima Sighignola, also known as the Balcone d'Italia (1320m), a further 6km on. (ラン…

follow の用法_13_他動詞_13_<命令・本能>に従う_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In fact, “tradition” was not ordinarily a positive term. We were Biblebelieving Christians. We just said and did what the Bible taught. It was others — especially “high church” folks — who followed a traditio…

follow の用法_12_他動詞_12_<命令・本能>に従う_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・A person who does not follow a schedule will do poorly in school and probably will be unsuccessful in his career as well. (スケジュールを守らない人は、学校での成績が悪く、おそらくキャリアでも成功しないでしょ…

follow の用法_11_他動詞_11_<命令・本能>に従う_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Fadime exercised "her own sense of autonomy" and followed her feelings by opting to be with her boyfriend and by rejecting her father's wishes regarding an arranged marriage back in Turkey to a cousin. (ファ…

follow の用法_10_他動詞_10_<命令・本能>に従う_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The general rule should be that if you feel in your heart that you should do something and it is the right thing to do, you should follow your heart. (一般的なルールとして、もしあなたが何かをするべきだと心で…

follow の用法_9_他動詞_9_<命令・本能>に従う_1

本日からは「<命令・本能>に従う」の用法を扱います。 ・Mother obsessed about cleaning and loved to rearrange furniture. If I didn't get up and follow Mother's orders, I would face punishment, often being denied my quiet reading time, listeni…