
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


hand の用法_7_名詞_7_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_7

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Out of nowhere we heard a woman screaming, " Get your hands off me; I want to go home." We looked around wondering what was going on. Down the hall, we saw a woman being wheeled on a gurney accompanied by an …

hand の用法_6_名詞_6_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_6

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I am thinking why we people clap our hands or when do we clap our hands? One time is when we say “Bravo!” or “Well Done” to someone and we clap our hands, especially if it is our children. (私は、なぜ私たち人…

hand の用法_5_名詞_5_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In the loneliest of moments I grabbed the blue aerosol can off the window sill and sprayed long and hard against the back of my hand, I soaked in the rush as a large patch of skin froze over turning icy blue …

hand の用法_4_名詞_4_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I feel the palm of my hand beginning to burn. I gently set the weapon back into its prefabricated place; I look at the palm of my hand, expecting it to be red and blisters. (私の手のひらが熱くなり始めるのを感…

hand の用法_3_名詞_3_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In October of 2014, I caught a bass with my bare hands that weighed over fourteen pounds, a lake record. Then, In March of 2016, I caught my first bass out of my lake weighing over sixteen pounds. (2014年10月…

hand の用法_2_名詞_2_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・He took my hand. “Because it's in the past and there's nothing I can do about it.” Kit had always been annoyingly good at looking like nothing bothered him and I'd always had trouble seeing through him.(彼は…

hand の用法_1_名詞_1_手・前肢・(カニなどの)ハサミ_1

本日からは hand の用法です。 ・Raise and lower fingers on your left hand and count one to five repeating each loop, then raise fingers on your right hand to track progress by counting once, six, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four, and thirty to…

handle の用法_28_形容詞_1_handlable

本日は形容詞 handlable の用法です。 ・Lenny is an adult Argentine black and white tegu. He came to us about 4 years ago because his owner was moving to college and could not take him with. At about 4 feet long, he is a large lizard, but he…

handle の用法_27_連語_2_handle oneself_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I'll give you and Owen and Lily the rest of the weekend to convince me she can handle herself in any situation. If you can prove to me that she's going to be an asset in the classroom, I'll agree to a trial r…

handle の用法_26_連語_1_handle oneself_1

本日からは連語の用法です。 ・He was a red-faced, redder nosed, chunky individual, who handled himself with great composure and efficiency. (赤ら顔で、鼻が高く、がっしりした体格の持ち主で、落ち着いて効率的に仕事をこなした。) www.nytimes.com…

handle の用法_25_他動詞_18_<乗り物が>操縦される[できる]_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Modifying a bike, with long extended forks on the front, results in a bike that handles poorly in turns - especially in town at low speed. (フロントに長く伸びたフォークを付けたバイクを改造すると、ターンでのハ…

handle の用法_24_他動詞_17_<乗り物が>操縦される[できる]_1

本日からは自動詞の用法を扱います。 ・You may laugh at this, but on those brisk Colorado days, Holly is grateful that her car handles well in the snow and has awesome heated seats!Jim is often grateful for a friend, family member, or cowork…

handle の用法_25_自動詞_1_<_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。・Volunteers handled large crowds at the Florida Manatee Festival in Crystal River throughout the weekend. (クリスタル・リバーで開催されたフロリダ・マナティ・フェスティバルでは、週末を通じて大勢の観客をボランテ…

handle の用法_23_他動詞_16_<群衆>を統制する_1

本日からは「<群衆>を統制する」の用法を扱います。 ・I wish to say that every other paper in New York, no matter of what politics, spoke in the highest terms of the way the Police handled the crowd at the Bryan notification meeting. (ニュー…

handle の用法_22_他動詞_15_<商品>を商う_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I asked him to call all the agents on the International Beverage Network website who handle imported wine in California, pretending to be a rich socialite looking to buy some old, rare French vintages. (私は…

handle の用法_21_他動詞_14_<商品>を商う_1

本日からは「<商品>を商う」の用法を扱います。 ・If the store handles a wide range of fixtures, it will probably have someone on staff who can be helpful. (様々な什器を扱う店であれば、親身になって相談に乗ってくれるスタッフがいるはずだ。) boo…

handle の用法_20_他動詞_13_<仕事>を担当する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The human brain is truly an amazing thing, it's like a supercomputer that can handle multiple tasks at once! It's not just one single entity but a collection of specialized systems that work together seamless…

handle の用法_19_他動詞_12_<仕事>を担当する_1

本日からは「<仕事>を担当する」の用法を扱います。 ・Can you handle this project and your other obligations at the same time? Do you have the authority, resources and people to do the work? Keep in mind the professional advantages you'll gai…

handle の用法_18_他動詞_11_<乗り物を>操縦する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Who wants a skinny, moody, sulky girlfriend when you can have one who smiles all day and can handle a car like a racing driver? (一日中笑顔で、レーシングドライバー並みに車を操る彼女を選べるなら、誰が痩せて気…

handle の用法_17_他動詞_10_<乗り物を>操縦する_1

本日からは「<乗り物を>操縦する」を扱います。 ・”I'm not sure, but it may be big enough to handle a plane as big as the one Rory talked about.” “I couldn't see the lake, but I don't think it could handle something like the 208B,” Flyer gent…

handle の用法_16_他動詞_9_<道具など> を扱う_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・You need in-depth training to be able to handle the equipment used in an electrical emergency. This equipment also has specific storage needs and requires careful cleaning. (電気的緊急事態で使用される機器を扱…

handle の用法_15_他動詞_8_<道具など> を扱う_1

本日からは「A<道具など> を扱う」の用法を扱います。 ・You needed to be an expert to handle the software effectively. There was a good reason why the software was difficult to use. The online databases were big and complex. To run powerful s…

handle の用法_14_他動詞_7_<人・動物など> を扱う_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Customer service representatives should be taught how to handle difficult customers, but they should not allow themselves to be abused. (カスタマーサービス担当者は、気難しい顧客の扱い方を教わるべきだが、罵倒…

handle の用法_13_他動詞_6_<人・動物など> を扱う_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Managing students, managing lecturers to deal with different type of students, the teaching skills required to handle different types of students. (生徒の管理、さまざまなタイプの生徒に対応するための講師の管理…

handle の用法_12_他動詞_5_<人・動物など> を扱う_1

本日からは「A<人・動物など> を扱う」の用法を扱います。 ・Realizing the only feasible method of mountain lion hunting involves a well-trained pack of hounds means finding someone who knows how to handle dogs and truly understands mountain l…

handle の用法_11_他動詞_4_うまく扱う・処理する_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Most importantly, lets us handle the issue of youth unemployment because an employed youth is a major threat to our national security. (最も重要なことは、私たちが若者の失業問題を対処することです。なぜなら、雇…

handle の用法_10_他動詞_3_うまく扱う・処理する_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Write down why you think you handled stress badly in certain situations. Identify specific steps or skills that would have enabled you to handle the situations better. (ある状況下で、ストレスに適切に対処でき…

handle の用法_9_他動詞_2_うまく扱う・処理する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・How would you handle a difficult customer? Be careful here; don't say that you have never had a difficult customer as anyone who has dealt with customers knows that is impossible. (気難しい顧客にどう対処しま…

handle の用法_8_他動詞_1_うまく扱う・処理する_1

本日からは他動詞の用法を扱います。本日は「うまく扱う・処理する」の用法です。 ・But if you get it—that is, money—can you handle it? Get out a sheet of paper and a calculator. Come on, do it! Now we will see; can you handle money, or does mo…

handle の用法_7_名詞_7_連語_3_get A a handle on B

本日は get A a handle on B の用法を扱います。 ・Her eyes have finally softened, but there's a whole world a something going on between us that I can't begin to get me a handle on. “What?” I ask. “Your friend Pinky is dead,” she says. It ta…