
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


hand の用法_68_名詞_68_連語_8_be safe in A's hands [the hands of A]

本日は be safe in A's hands [the hands of A] の用法を扱います。 ・On the contrary , white womanhood in the South is absolutely safe in the hands of ninety - five percent of the black men - ten times safer than black womanhood is in the han…

hand の用法_67_名詞_67_連語_7_at second hand_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I wouldn't trust that rumor; I heard it at third hand, so there's no telling how accurate it is. (そのうわさを信じない方がいいよ。私はそれを三次情報として耳にしただけだから、その正確さはわからない。) 【研究】…

hand の用法_66_名詞_66_連語_6_at second hand_1

本日からは at second hand の用法を扱います。 ・I haven't heard about it at second hand, I saw it with my own eyes. We had to queue to buy even the most basic things, you couldn't even get toothpaste. (私は他人からその話を聞いたわけではあり…

hand の用法_65_名詞_65_連語_5_at A's hand(s)_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The Jewish people suffered at the hands of the Nazis was one of the earliest issues that drew the attention of Arab governments and writers to the Holocaust and compelled them to refer to it. (ユダヤ人がナチ…

hand の用法_64_名詞_64_連語_4_at A's hand(s)_1

本日からは at A's hand(s)の用法を扱います。 ・I hate to think what she must have suffered at his hands before she died. (生前、彼女が彼の手によってどんな苦しみを味わったのか、考えたくない。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】at A's hand(s) で「A に…

hand の用法_63_名詞_63_連語_3_at hand_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Keep some money at hand that you can give over immediately if approached. (声をかけられたらすぐに渡せるお金を手元に置いておくこと。) thebogotapost.com 【研究】keep some money at hand で「お金をいくらか手元に…

hand の用法_62_名詞_62_連語_2_at hand_1

本日からは at hand の用法を扱います。 ・If the candidate's concept of the ideal job does not match the job at hand, then the interviewer will think that the candidate will not work out and move on to the next interview. (候補者の理想とする…

hand の用法_61_名詞_61_連語_1_at first hand

本日からは「名詞の連語」の用法を扱います。 ・Heinrich von Einsiedel saw it at first hand during a dogfight when he latched onto a Soviet opponent. (ハインリヒ・フォン・アインジーデルはドッグファイトの最中に、ソ連の敵に取り付いてそれを目の…

hand の用法_60_名詞_60_筆跡_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Never write in your own hand. Never have anything on your person, or at home, which could give you away. Have good cover and give a certain amount of time to your supposed occupation. (自分の手跡を残さないよ…

hand の用法_59_名詞_59_筆跡_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Being of some education and familiar with Latin, English, French, and Spanish, he found the task none too hard, since Monsieur Desjourdains wrote in a plain hand, and was possessed of a high sense of accuracy.…

hand の用法_58_名詞_58_筆跡_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In July 1862, Samuel wrote in a bold hand: My dear wife, How is everyone at home? I am so homesick and miss you more than words can express. We are hoping that this war will be shortlived and I will be back i…

hand の用法_57_名詞_57_筆跡_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I pick it up, glancing at the access code scrawled in A's illegible hand as I give it to Rosa, and leave the kitchen. (それを拾い上げて、キッチンを出る前にそれをローザに渡す際、Aが読みにくい字で書き殴ったアク…

hand の用法_56_名詞_56_筆跡_1

本日からは「筆跡」の用法を扱います。 ・In the village school where Sophia grew up, area boys and girls learned to do sums, to read, to write in a neat hand, and to understand geography, but only boys learned more. (ソフィアが育った村の学校…

hand の用法_55_名詞_55_<女性・女性の親からの>結婚の承諾[同意]・婚約・誓約_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・After a few minutes of hard thought, he amended his goal: he needed to win her hand in marriage without doing anything nefarious, such as kidnapping her or seducing her again. (数分間考えた後、彼は自分の目標…

hand の用法_54_名詞_54_<女性・女性の親からの>結婚の承諾[同意]・婚約・誓約_1

次回からは「<女性・女性の親からの>結婚の承諾[同意]・婚約・誓約」の用法を扱います。 ・Why would I ask for her hand in marriage? Did I truly need a wife and collaborator for life? Yes, I needed intimacy in my life, a wife, friend, and partner…

hand の用法_53_名詞_53_拍手・喝采_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・They get a big hand from the audience in their two appearances . And so the ever - hotter music goes on for the thirty minutes that the band plays. (彼らは2回の登場で観客から大きな拍手を受けます。そして、バン…

hand の用法_52_名詞_52_拍手・喝采_1

本日からは「拍手・喝采」を意味します。 ・She was probably about to thank the janitor for cleaning the room and to tell the class to give him a big hand, but then the bell finally rang. (彼女はおそらく、部屋を掃除してくれた用務員に感謝し、…

hand の用法_51_名詞_51_バナナの房

本日は「バナナの房」の用法を扱います。 ・A well-fertilised and watered plant can produce a hand of bananas with 13 dozen or more fruit on it. Regular consumption of bananas might reduce your risk of kidney cancer. A 13-year Swedish study o…

hand の用法_50_名詞_50_<時計の>針

本日は「<時計の>針」の用法を扱います。 ・A full circle, like the circuit of an hour hand in 12 hours' time, is 360 degrees. The angle between any two adjacent hour numbers is 360/12, or 30 degrees. At 3:15 the minute and hour hands almost …

hand の用法_49_名詞_49_1ゲーム[勝負]

本日は「1ゲーム[勝負]」の用法を扱います。 ・Hoping for another easy mark, I tried to persuade Joe to play a few hands of poker with us, but he pulled up the hood of his raincoat and struck back out into the storm. (簡単に勝てる相手が見つか…

hand の用法_48_名詞_48_(トランプの)持ち札・手_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In most cases it means you have a bad hand because you're afraid of the board so you're unwilling to bet into a losing hand. And most hands miss the community cards, so you will hold losing hands more times t…

hand の用法_47_名詞_47_(トランプの)持ち札・手_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Making a big bet can show that you have a good hand when you have nothing. The only two unknowns are the two blinds. How they bet will determine whether or not you should continue with a bluff or fold. (大き…

hand の用法_46_名詞_46_(トランプの)持ち札・手_1

本日からは「(トランプの)持ち札・手」の用法を扱います。 ・The sender is “dealt a winning hand” or she is “dealt a losing hand.” The sender has a choice between telling the truth to the receiver or sending disinformation to the receiver. (送…

hand の用法_45_名詞_45_方向・方面

本日は「方向・方面」の用法を扱います。 ・Motoric and tactile images in the hand related to such subtle emotions are likely to be impressed more on the right hand than on the left. (そのような微妙な感情に関連する手の運動イメージや触覚イメー…

hand の用法_44_名詞_44_手中・保護_6

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・You must accept the fact that from this moment on, your situation and future is in capable hands— YOURS ! (今この瞬間から、あなたの現状と未来は有能な人の手の中にあるという事実を受け入れなければならなりません…

hand の用法_43_名詞_43_手中・保護_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。・“You have my word that she'll be in good hands with me.” He nodded and walked off while Emma chuckled against Logan's chest. (「彼女は私がしっかり守るから、安心して」彼は頷いて去っていきました。その間に、エマ…

hand の用法_42_名詞_42_手中・保護_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The girl and her gift had fallen into the wrong hands. Is there anybody in here whose gifts have fallen into the wrong hands? When our gifts fall into the wrong hands, we're abused, mistreated. (その少女と彼…

hand の用法_41_名詞_41_手中・保護_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Moreover, during the latter part of the century, the power to wreak bloody havoc on innocent civilians across the globe has fallen into the hands of terrorists whose hate knows no bounds. (さらに、世紀の後半…

hand の用法_40_名詞_40_手中・保護_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Police and hospital staff alike warn against the dangers of riding motorcycles without protective gear. One doctor stated, “We're all fallible. Why take unnecessary chances forcing you to leave your life in t…

hand の用法_39_名詞_39_手中・保護_1

本日からは「手中・保護」を扱います。 ・This case is in the hands of the Six-eight and will remain there.” “Who caught it?” Murphy asked. “Detectives Roosevelt and Cicero. Now, you had something to show me, Murphy?” “Yes.” “Bring it to my o…