
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


handle の用法_5_名詞_5_連語_1_fly off the handle

本日からは名詞の連語の用法を扱います。今回は fly off the handle の用法です。 ・When you see it, I want you to promise me that you'll let me finish what I need to say before you fly off the handle. (それを見たとき、私が言いたいことを全部言…

handle の用法_4_名詞_4_機会・口実

本日は「機会・口実」の用法を扱います。 ・But that which you offer by way of explanation, or of justification, may give them a handle against you, as little thought of by yourself, as it is gratifying to them. (あなたが説明や正当化のために…

handle の用法_3_名詞_3_(ネットワーク上の)肩書・名前

本日は「(ネットワーク上の)肩書・名前」の用法を扱います。 ・He was something more than a well-born playboy out for a good time. She realized now that she too had thought of him, because he had a handle to his name, as being not quite human.…

handle の用法_2_名詞_2_取っ手・つまみ_2

本日も前回の内容の続きです。 ・Or, if preferred, the handle of a knife can be milled from the desired materials, to the desired size and shape. Depending on the knife called for in a project, the knife-maker may also need to fabricate a co…

handle の用法_1_名詞_1_取っ手・つまみ_1

本日からは handle の用法を扱います。 ・If something happened, he wanted to make sure he remembered as much about the ship as possible. He got to the door. As he was reaching out to turn the door handle, the handle began to turn on its own.…

guide の用法_21_形容詞_2_guide word

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Being Guided by Guide Words There are two guide words at the top of each print dictionary page: the guide word on the left shows what the first word on the page is; the guide word on the right shows what the …

guide の用法_20_形容詞_1_guide dog

本日からは形容詞の用法です。 ・Moses is a guide dog and would have to stay out of sight and under the table when people eat, but this time he got to be in the middle of everything. (モーゼは盲導犬なので、人が食事をするときは視界に入らず、…

guide の用法_19_他動詞_7_指針を示す

本日は「指針を示す」の用法を扱います。 ・Now think about the standard by which you evaluate and treat others: When you're at a party or social gathering, what guides you in choosing who you want to talk to or be with? (では、あなたが他人を…

guide の用法_18_他動詞_6_<人を>指導する_2

本日も前回の続きです。 ・The performance‐improvement modules guide users through the process of collecting and analyzing practice data over time and documenting improved quality of care. (パフォーマンス向上モジュールは、長期にわたる診療デ…

guide の用法_17_他動詞_5_<人を>指導する_1

本日からは「<人を>指導する」の用法を扱います。 ・You will notice that in the executing phase there will be more emphasis placed on the interpersonal skills needed to effectively manage and guide the team to successful completion. (実行段階…

guide の用法_16_他動詞_4_案内する・導く_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・To reach it Ryder had to guide the ship through a narrow gap in a reef before negotiating a cut between two islands that was no more than 50 feet wide. (ライダーはこの島に到達するために、岩礁の狭い隙間から船…

guide の用法_15_他動詞_3_案内する・導く_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・He locked the office and guided her out of the building, speaking of the usual office banalities. It was dark, only a few lights showed in the site, most of them on the top floor of Dry Wells. (彼はオフィスを…

guide の用法_14_他動詞_2_案内する・導く_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・He let Rene guide him into the building, tensing against the faint smell of blood that lingered on the air. The man inside was old, kind, with dark skin and bright blue eyes that seemed to see far more than m…

guide の用法_13_他動詞_1_案内する・導く_1

本日から他動詞の用法を扱います。・The aim of this book is both to guide visitors around Greece and its islands and to preview what is likely to be an entirely captivating experience. (本書の目的は、ギリシャとその島々を案内することであり、…

guide の用法_12_名詞_12_行動指針_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Let your conscience be your guide so that you aren't deterred from your path. Your conscience is one of the most useful tools you can use to keep you on target to reach your goals. (自分の良心を道しるべにして…

guide の用法_11_名詞_11_行動指針_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・As a rough guide to prices, a good sized spigola (sea bass) should cost around €20—25. Meat dishes are excellent too, and there's a delectable range of Sardinian sweets on display. Closed Mon lunch in summer,…

guide の用法_10_名詞_10_行動指針_1

次回からは「行動指針」の用法を扱います。 ・It's very expensive, at a guide price of €150. Pedra J osé Luis Ferrer, Binissalem (Organic). Ferrer is the biggest wine producer on the island and Pedra is its first foray into organic wines. (参…

guide の用法_9_名詞_9_手引書_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・This is a field guide because it helps you in those places (in your field) where 'human error' is seen as an important issue. (これは、「ヒューマンエラー」が重要な問題として捉えられている場所 (自分のフィール…

guide の用法_8_名詞_8_手引書_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・That is, a reference guide is to serve as a cumulative checkpoint where it becomes possible to search and familiarize oneself with existing material on the subject. (つまり、リファレンスガイドとは、既存の資料…

guide の用法_7_名詞_7_手引書_1

本日からは「手引書」の用法を扱います。 ・The book is written in a simple language, it is a beginner’s guide to astrology. You will need no previous knowledge about astrology to read this book. This book is meant for anyone who is intereste…

guide の用法_6_名詞_6_指導者_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。」 ・What you hold in your hands is a fishing guide that is filled with helpful information to make your next flyfishing adventure in Colorado successful. (あなたが手にしているのは、コロラド州での次のフライフィ…

guide の用法_5_名詞_5_指導者_1

本日からは「指導者」の用法を扱います。 ・What is a spiritual guide for retirement to do with such a conflict? The attempt will be to resolve it or, at least, to show a way through it. (定年退職後のスピリチュアルガイドは、このような葛藤にど…

guide の用法_4_名詞_4_案内人_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Located two miles north of I-10, it is the only desert course that is designed in the Scottish links style. There's also a lighted driving range. Paul Edge, ph. 619/329-8927, is a trail guide who conducts hik…

guide の用法_3_名詞_3_案内人_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・It should also be noted that although this is a river guide, the fact that the river road follows the river from Terlingua Creek to Boquillas Canyon opens this area to one who is not floating the river. (これ…

guide の用法_2_名詞_2_案内人_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Philippe Batoux gained a PhD in mathematics and is a mountain guide certified by the International Federation of Mountain Guides Association (IFMGA). He is a teacher and researcher at the National School of S…

guide の用法_1_名詞_1_案内人_1

本日からは guide の用法を扱います。 ・Like Tom, guiding was not on Jane's radar as a possible career, even though her late brother was a tour guide who wrote his Harvard dissertation on guiding books. She came to it only after an unexpecte…

guess の用法_41_派生語_2_guesser

本日は guesser の用法です。 ・He had to be very careful after that, because it was much easier where the guesser had only one man to watch. (その後、彼は非常に注意しなければなりませんでした。なぜなら、推理者が一人しか見ていないところでは、…

guess の用法_40_派生語_1_guessing game

本日は guessing で形容詞の用法です。 ・Use glossary skills to play a guessing game as they act out words from the glossary and then look up the words. (用語集のスキルを使って、用語集に載っている単語を演じ、その単語を調べるという推理ゲーム…

guess の用法_39_名詞の連語_6_Your guess is as good as mine.

本日は Your guess is as good as mine. の用法を扱います。 ・“Your guess is as good as mine, kid.” She stopped, arms spread over the sink, and looked out the window. “Is there something going on between you and Arnas that I should know about…