
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


face の用法_80_動詞の連語_5_(let's) face it

本日は (let's) face it の用法を扱います。 ・We have to understand that part of reimagining our work world is rooted in reflecting on how we handled the maw of 2020. And let's face it, the year was a shark that chewed up every norm. (私たち…

face の用法_79_動詞の連語_4_face A with B

本日は face A with B の用法を扱います。 ・If I had faced you with this, though, I know you would have tried to persuade me otherwise, and others would have done so too. None of that would have done any good. (しかし、もし私があなたにこの話…

face の用法_78_動詞の連語_3_face off between[against]_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The two kids with the highest score would then face off against each other. I managed to catch eight of the ten Mr Landsbury threw on the cradle to me. So did Fisk. He seemed to throw at us a bit harder than …

face の用法_77_動詞の連語_2_face off between[against]_1

本日からは face off between A and Bの用法を扱います。 ・The loss of 20 Army personnel on the Line of Actual Control is considered as the most violent face off between Indian Army and the Chinese troops in more than 5 decades. (実効支配線上…

face の用法_76_動詞の連語_1_face A down [down A]

本日からは動詞の連語です。本日は face A down [down A] の用法を扱います。 ・This man wouldn't back-shoot you—he'd face you down in a fair fight, then lift your hair and howl in victory if he won. (この男はあなたを撃つことはなく、あなたと正…

face の用法_75_自動詞_1_<Aの方に>面する

本日からは自動詞の用法を扱います。 ・Their room was as modest as the rest of the place and none too bright—its single window faced north. (彼らの部屋は、他の部屋と同様に質素で、北向きの窓が1つあるだけの明るくはない部屋だった。) www.google.…

face の用法_74_他動詞_12_<素材で>覆われる

本日は「<素材で>覆われる」の用法を扱います。 ・It was an attractive but restrained building faced with polished Sardinian granite and flush-mounted windows in a uniform grid trimmed with narrowbandsofaluminum. (それは、洗練されたサルデーニ…

face の用法_73_他動詞_11_<人や建物などが>Aに面している_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・But at night we need to close all the draperies on our windows that face the sea. (でも、夜は海に面した窓のドレープを全部閉めないといけないね。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】windows that face the sea で「海に面し…

face の用法_72_他動詞_10_<人や建物などが>Aに面している_1

本日からは「<人や建物などが>Aに面している」の用法を扱います。 ・In the setting where the children sat facing each other as they wrote, there was always a good deal of talk about the children's compositions. (子どもたちが向かい合って座って…

face の用法_71_動詞_9_(気が進まないが) Aと向き合う

本日は「(気が進まないが) Aと向き合う」の用法を扱います。 ・The test engineer who made headlines for inviting his cab driver to a theme park said he probably couldn't face the man again. (タクシーの運転手をテーマパークに招待して話題になった…

face の用法_70_他動詞_8_Aに耐えられない

本日は「Aに耐えられない」の用法を扱います。 ・These people, unable to attend a clinic, face the possibility of continuing an unwanted pregnancy. (このような方々は、クリニックに通うことができず、望まない妊娠を続けてしまう可能性があります。)…

face の用法_69_他動詞_7_<事実などを>受け入れる_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Sincere lovers of peace who are wise have been obliged to face the fact that it is often a very complicated thing to secure peace without the sacrifice of righteousness. (平和を心から愛する賢明な人々は、正義…

face の用法_68_他動詞_6_<事実などを>受け入れる_1

次回からは「<事実などを>受け入れる」の用法を扱います。 ・This book is specially configured (order of words) for you to Face the Truth, Accept Yourself, and Create a Better Life. (本書は、あなたが「真実を直視し、自分を受け入れ、よりよい人生…

face の用法_67_他動詞_5_<困難に>直面する_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In addition to the previously mentioned problems, the Social Security program is faced with serious financial problems in the nearterm future. The financing problems are discussed in Chapter 7. (先に述べた問…

face の用法_66_他動詞_4_<困難に>直面する_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The essence of the problems facing many women in the less developed world was summarised in the Brandt Report. (後進国の多くの女性が直面している問題の本質は、ブラント報告書にまとめられています。) www.google.c…

face の用法_65_他動詞_3_<困難に>直面する_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Many countries across the world face a challenge to efficiently address the quality of air, soil, wildlife, water, food and energy they provide to their citizens. (世界の多くの国では、国民に提供する空気、土壌…

face の用法_64_他動詞_2_<困難に>直面する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・By this we can understand that the people who run away from the problem, when they face a problem, undergo mental stress. But the people who face the problem, when they face a problem take it as a challenge a…

face の用法_63_他動詞_1_<困難に>直面する_1

本日からは動詞の語法を扱います。本日は「<困難に>直面する」の用法です。 ・Many times, we face a dilemma because our decisions and actions lead to someone getting hurt (even if it is oneself) irrespective of the decisionor action we take. (…

face の用法_62_名詞_62_連語_33_You should have seen his [her] face.

本日は You should have seen his [her] face. の用法を扱います。 ・“You should have seen his face when he saw me last Christmas!” Sam retorted. “The rocks at Stonehenge had more expression. He was not welcoming home his long-lost love, belie…

face の用法_61_名詞_61_連語_32_wipe A off [from] the face of the earth

本日はwipe A off [from] the face of the earthの用法を扱います。 ・I became friends with him so that I can gain his trust and one day, use it to wipe him off the face of the earth. Anyone betraying Ashish Ghora is already destined to die in…

face の用法_60_名詞_60_連語_31_what's his[her] face

本日は what's his[her] face の用法を扱います。 ・“Must you mention what's his face when I'm feeling like the luckiest women in the world?” She said wrinkling her nose. “Won't happen again,” Francis said before bringing her lips back to his…

face の用法_59_名詞_59_連語_30_to A' face

本日は to A' face の用法を扱います。 ・The list of people who've said bad things to my face is beyond lengthy, and I'm sure the list of people who've said bad things about me behind my back is much longer than that. (面と向かって悪口を言っ…

face の用法_58_名詞_58_連語_29_till[until] one is blue in the face

本日は till[until] one is blue in the face の用法を扱います。 ・You can argue till you are blue in the face, but if she thinks you ought to ask the boss for a raise, there is no way you can convince her the timing is off. (いくら話し合って…

face の用法_57_名詞_57_連語_28_show[bag] one's face

本日は throw A (back) in B's face の用法を扱います。 ・I was prepared for her to throw everything back in my face and tell me that it was my fault for letting him do those things to me. To my surprise she didn't say anything like that. (彼…

face の用法_56_名詞_56_連語_27_show[bag] one's face

本日は shut[bag] your face の用法を扱います。 ・Everyone in the ER seemed relieved, and I was halfway back to the counter when I heard, “SHUT YOUR FACE, SHUT YOUR FACE, SHUT YOUR FACE ...” (救急外来にいた誰もが安心した様子となり、私もカウ…

face の用法_55_名詞_55_連語_26_show one's face

本日からは show one's faceの用法を扱います。 ・They can't show their faces in this town anymore after what happened two years ago. (彼らは2年前のこともあり、もうこの街には顔を出せない。) idioms.thefreedictionary.com 【研究】show one's face…

face の用法_54_名詞_54_連語_25_set one's face against A

本日は set one's face against A の用法を扱います。 ・It would be interesting to know the reason you set your face against all the fair ones. (あらゆる公正なものに対しあなたが目を背ける理由を知ることは興味深いことです。) www.google.co.jp 【…