
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


hand の用法_99_名詞_99_連語_39_hands down

本日は hands down の用法を扱います。 ・“If the Supreme Court takes this case, we’re going to win,” he said during a webinar hosted by the Advanced Energy Economy, an association of businesses that support clean energy. “We will win this ha…

hand の用法_98_名詞_98_連語_38_ hand over fist [hand]

本日は hand over fist [hand] の用法を扱います。 ・He's making money hand over fist. This expression is derived from the nautical hand over hand, describing how a sailor climbed a rope. [First half of 1800s] (彼はたくさんのお金を稼いでいる…

hand の用法_97_名詞_97_連語_37_ hand and foot_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I will wait on you, hand and foot, you will want for nothing! You won't have to pay me, the adventure will be enough. Being near you will be enough. (私は何から何まであなたの面倒を見ます。私にお金を払う必要は…

hand の用法_96_名詞_96_連語_36_ hand and foot_1

本日からは hand and foot の用法を扱います。 ・Mussolini is tied hand and foot to the Nazis and is without an avenue of escape. (ムッソリーニはナチスに手足を縛られ、逃げ道を失っている。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】be tied [bound] hand and foo…

hand の用法_95_名詞_95_連語_35_grease [oil] A's hand

本日は grease [oil] A's hand の用法を扱います。 ・Lightly grease your hand with oil, and knead the bumpy dough until it is glossy-smooth. (手に軽く油を塗り、でこぼこした生地をつやが出るまでこねる。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】grease one's ha…

hand の用法_94_名詞_94_連語_34_give A the glad hand = give the glad hand to A

本日は give A the glad hand = give the glad hand to A の用法を扱います。 ・“You can give me the glad hand tonight, mister,” he cried. (「今夜は私に喜んで手を差し伸べてください」と彼は叫んだ。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】give A the glad hand…

hand の用法_93_名詞_93_連語_33_ given under one's hand and seal

本日は given under one's hand and seal 本用法を扱います。 ・Given under my hand and seal, this 26th day of January, A.D. 1872. [signed] John Brown, Special Commissioner.(西暦1872年1月26日署名捺印 [署名】ジョン・ブラウン、特別委員) www.goog…

hand の用法_92_名詞_92_連語_32_give [lend] A a helping hand

本日は give [lend] A a helping hand の用法を扱います。 ・He scanned my face as if searching for a hint, an answer to an unasked question. Something was different; he just couldn't figure out what. "So," I started, ready to give him a helpi…

hand の用法_91_名詞_91_連語_31_give a hand

本日は give a hand の用法を扱います。 ・In addition, the team also gave a hand to an elderly man who was about to leave for Budapest by bus. The aid workers helped carry his heavy baggage and saw him off until the bus departed. (さらにチー…

hand の用法_90_名詞_90_連語_30_give A a free hand

本日は give A a free hand の用法を扱います。 ・Apart from this, I give my people a free hand to work out their own lives. This makes writing a slow and arduous business to me; and I have only once written a book in less than three years. (…

hand の用法_89_名詞_89_連語_29_get one's hands on A_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Snake Eyes is so obsessed with getting revenge on the man who assassinated his father that he betrays all of his allies to get his hands on the villain. (スネークアイズは、父を暗殺した男に対して復讐することに…

hand の用法_88_名詞_88_連語_28_get one's hands on A_1

本日からは get one's hands on A の用法を扱います。 ・When I was a child I devoured every book I could get my hands on. I loved losing myself in colourful and dramatic stories - and my absolute favourite was 'Charlie And The Chocolate Facto…

hand の用法_87_名詞_87_連語_27_get one's hands dirty_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Didn't get your hands dirty that way. Didn't get your heart mussed up. In the distance, a sign of lightning. Not a bolt, just a flash on the bellies of dark clouds. (手を汚さずに済んだのです。心を乱されること…

hand の用法_86_名詞_86_連語_26_get one's hands dirty_1

本日からは get one's hands dirty の用法を扱います。 ・Somebody had to get their hands dirty, and that person was me. (誰かが自分の手を汚さなければならなかった。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】get one's hands dirty で「悪事に手を染める」を意味し…

hand の用法_85_名詞_85_連語_25_from hand to hand

本日は from hand to hand の用法を扱います。 ・Thomas Benton. which now form sovereign States, were sold from hand to hand, for a less sum than the federal government now demands for an area of two miles square. (トーマス・ベントンは、現在…

hand の用法_84_名詞_84_連語_24_for one's own hand(s)

本日は for one's own hand(s) の用法を扱います。 ・He took the bold step of launching his own business for his own hand, driven by a fervent desire to secure his financial independence and realize his entrepreneurial dreams. (経済的自立を確…

hand の用法_83_名詞_83_連語_23_force A's hand

本日は force A's hand 本用法を扱います。 ・But it really forced her hand and made her embrace this place as a home. And she becomes hell-bent on ensuring that it stays that way. (しかし、そのせいで彼女はこの場所を家として受け入れざるを得な…

hand の用法_82_名詞_82_連語_22_fall[get, come] into one's hands [the hands of A]_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・If we got into the hands of God, we get where all things rest and we get home and happiness. We have got out of the nothingness of the creature into the AllSufficiency of the Creator. (神の御手の中に入るなら…

hand の用法_81_名詞_81_連語_21_fall[get, come] into one's hands [the hands of A]_1

本日からは fall[get, come] into one's hands [the hands of A] の用法を扱います。 ・No; I was in the way of duty when I fell into the hands of the smugglers under such peculiar circumstances; but never mind, we will not discuss that matter. …

hand の用法_80_名詞_80_連語_20_eat [feed] out of one's hand_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・She has him eating out of her hand like a pet lamb. They adore one another. (彼女は彼を手のひらで転がしている、まるで小さな可愛い子羊のように。二人はお互いを深く愛している。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】eat [fee…

hand の用法_79_名詞_79_連語_19_eat [feed] out of one's hand_1

本日からは eat [feed] out of one's hand の用法を扱います。 ・At first, we could get them to eat out of our hand if you put your hand on the ground and let them approach you while hopping. (最初は、手を地面に置き、彼らが近づいてくるのをじっ…

hand の用法_78_名詞_78_連語_18_do a hand's turn

本日は do a hand's turn の用法を扱います。 ・He didn't do a hand's turn around the house, but I didn't expect him to. Our generation of women were programmed to serve. (彼は家のことを一切手伝わなかったが、私は彼にそうすることを期待もしてい…

hand の用法_77_名詞_77_連語_17_dirty one's hands

本日は dirty one's hands の用法を扱います。 ・An image of the Bruins hockey player emerged. He wore an open blue collar. He was not afraid to dirty his hands. The Lunch Pail A.C. That was the nickname. (ブルインズのホッケー選手の姿が浮かび…

hand の用法_76_名詞_76_連語_16_change hands_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・From 1985 to 2003, media regulation changed hands several times: The media were initially regulated by society, then by the market, and eventually by the state. (1985年から2003年にかけて、メディア規制の変更が…

hand の用法_75_名詞_75_連語_15_change hands_1

本日も前回の用法の続きです。・The $1.43-million HEMI Daytona was arguably the most expensive, but the other Daytonas also changed hands for impressive sums. The "Duke and Duchess Daytona," previously owned by "Big Willie" Robinson of the "…

hand の用法_74_名詞_74_連語_14_change hands_1

本日からは change hands の用法を扱います。 ・The country finally changed hands on Inauguration Day, March 4, 1921. No one knew if Woodrow Wilson would participate. (その国は、1921年3月4日の就任式の日に、ついに政権が交代した。ウッドロウ・ウ…

hand の用法_73_名詞_73_連語_13_by the hand(s) of A

本日は by the hand(s) of A の用法を扱います。 ・Canaan was destroyed by the hand of the people of Israel, under the leadership of the Lord. (カナンは主の指導の下、イスラエルの民の手によって滅ぼされた。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】1. by the h…

hand の用法_72_名詞_72_連語_12_by hand_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・A letter delivered by hand and not through the official postal services. This system was especially used in the early days of the Confederacy when normal mail deliveries ceased between the North and the South…

hand の用法_71_名詞_71_連語_11_by hand_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・”You write by hand, and it serves you. I think it might serve me as well.” “I think it might,” I reply. My own experience is that writing by hand leads me an idea at a time. (「手で書くことが、あなたのために…

hand の用法_70_名詞_70_連語_10_by hand_1

本日からは by hand の用法を扱います。 ・Wash uncoated iron saucepans by hand, never in the dishwasher. Brush with a thin layer of cooking oil to prevent rusting. (コーティングされていない鉄製ソースパンは手洗いし、決して食洗機では洗わないよ…