
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


gather の用法_20_自動詞_5_加速する

本日は「加速する」の用法を扱います。 ・As the speed gathered slowly and the wind brushed his face, Alex held on the stick forward to keep the airplane's nose down. (スピードが徐々に上がり、風が顔をかすめるようになると、アレックスは機首を下…

gather の用法_19_自動詞_4_<暗闇が>迫る

本日は「<暗闇が>迫る」の用法を扱います。 ・Darkness gathered thick and fast upon all the land. (闇が急に濃くなり、土地に広がった。) www.google.co.jp 【研究】Darkness gathers thick. で「闇が濃くなる」を意味します。 次回は「加速する」の用法…

gather の用法_18_自動詞_3_<雲が>次第に厚くなる

次回は「<雲が>次第に厚くなる」の用法を扱います。 ・When rain clouds gathered overhead, he decided to go back to the Blackfoot camp. Perhaps someone there could help him. (雨雲が頭上に迫ってきたとき、彼はブラックフット族のキャンプに戻ること…

gather の用法_17_自動詞_2_集まる・群がる_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。・We gathered together and said good bye to this Planet because we didn't know when we would be coming back. (いつ戻ってくるかわからないこの惑星に、私たちは集まって別れを告げました。) books.google.co.jp【研究】g…

gather の用法_16_自動詞_1_集まる・群がる_1

本日からは自動詞用法です。 ・At that moment, it was very quiet around the sea, but after a while, a lot of people gathered around the sea after a lot of people gathered around. Some of them didn't have cameras, so they spent money to take …

gather の用法_15_他動詞_15_<勇気・思考などを>奮い起こす_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・You must gather your strength and build your focus. If your time and life are being spent mindlessly in all directions, you will not have the power to do this, for power here represents concentration. (自らの…

gather の用法_14_他動詞_14_<勇気・思考などを>奮い起こす_1

本日からは「<勇気・思考などを>奮い起こす」の用法を扱います。 ・Though your life seems Unfair and unyielding, Know that you can lift up your head, Gather yourself, and stand! (人生が不公平で不困難なものであっても、頭を上げ、自らを奮い立たせ…

gather の用法_13_他動詞_13_<ひだなどを>寄せる・<服を>羽織る_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・It would beakin to me needing instructions on how to add pleats to a bodice, or how to gather a skirt. It just felt wrong. (ボディスのプリーツの入れ方とか、スカートのギャザーの入れ方とか、そういう指示が必要に…

gather の用法_12_他動詞_12_<ひだなどを>寄せる・<服を>羽織る_1

本日からは「<ひだなどを>寄せる・<着ている服を>整える」の用法を扱います。 ・I shivered and gathered my cloak, before scurrying after the strange man. “Wait, I'm coming,” I mumbled. Away from the fire, with a bright moon overhead, I could se…

gather の用法_11_他動詞_11_<次第に>(速度・力など)を増す_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・When you're going downhill, the momentum of your vehicle will cause you to gather speed very quickly. Don't underestimate the importance of the correct use of your brakes. (下り坂では、車の勢いによって、あっ…

gather の用法_10_他動詞_10_<次第に>(速度・力など)を増す_1

本日からは「<次第に>(速度・力など)を増す」の用法を扱います。 ・Violetta and Luisa leapt for their swings and swept over us like spangled birds, moving back and forth to gather momentum. The ZoZos performed their act without a net and the g…

gather の用法_9_他動詞_9_推測する_5

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“Max was attending some kind of meeting, I gather. But how are you? I was so worried when I heard you'd already gone into the clinic. The baby isn't due for several more weeks, is it?” “Three, to be precise,”…

gather の用法_8_他動詞_8_推測する_4

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・'And you're a Delusionist, I gather?' I flinch. 'The correct term is Anterist,' I say stiffly. 'Atheists don't believe in the concept of a god and Anterists don't believe in the concept of romantic love. (「…

gather の用法_7_他動詞_7_推測する_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“I gather you were quite busy?” His face softened a tiny bit and a whisper of humanity shown through. For a brief moment, he looked like my nephew and not the demon I had been entertaining all afternoon. (「…

gather の用法_6_他動詞_6_推測する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・While we have been enjoying these unusual rigours, Francis, “somewhere in Italy,” at a place, as far as I can gather, which not so long ago used to be “somewhere in Austria,” has not been enjoying the return …

gather の用法_5_他動詞_5_推測する_1

本日からは「推測する」の用法を扱います。 ・I'm not sure where because so many places have changed over the years, but from what I can gather, it was a very cold place and quite stark. He'd been drawn in here when he was in his late forties.…

gather の用法_4_他動詞_4_<証拠・情報など>を集める

本日は「<証拠・情報など>を集める」の用法を扱います。 ・In addition to the weekly polls, the Web TVs gather detailed information about viewing habits and Web surfing behavior that can be used to create profiles of the respondents. (毎週行わ…

gather の用法_3_他動詞_3_<人・物>を集める_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・A large crowd was gathered outside a small Egyptian temple dedicated to Sekhmet, a goddess of healing. What had begun as a simple demonstration of magic had quickly captured the minds of the spectators. (癒し…

gather の用法_2_他動詞_2_<人・物>を集める_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・In my studies I have preferred to limit myself for a time to one particular district, and to gather together all the available material from that locality. The region selected was British New Guinea. (私は研…

gather の用法_1_他動詞_1_<人・物>を集める_1

本日からはgatherの用法です。 ・“Gather your things, Lady Lillian. We're leaving.” How dared he! Lily thought, glaring at him. He had no right to make himself her champion, to involve himself in matters that were hers to care for. (「荷物を…

gain の用法_29_連語_1_for gain

本日は for gain の用法です。 ・Now, since translation is an activity often followed for gain, we need to paraphrase the definition to read "making an activity that would be followed, even if it did not result in gain, such as an art, the s…

gain の用法_28_名詞_6_<金銭上の>利益_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・It has averaged yearly, exclusive of a good living, a net gain of 600 dollars by cultivation only. He finds 40 miles from a market of no importance, as the carrying is done when men and horses have nothing el…

gain の用法_27_名詞_5_<金銭上の>利益

本日からは「<金銭上の>利益」を扱います。・There are no "gains without pains" in spiritual things any more than in temporal. That roaring lion, the devil, will never let a soul escape from him without a struggle. (霊的なものには、現世的なも…

gain の用法_26_名詞_4_利点・進歩_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The inability to adjust input levels as the accuracy of farmers forecast increase with the approach of harvest, tends to increase risk and decrease the attaining of the maximum efficiency gains from a technol…

gain の用法_25_名詞_3_利点・進歩_1

本日からは「利点・進歩」の用法を扱います。 ・Recent gains in computer technology have made user- authentication more reliable and may one day make passwords obsolete. Biometrics, the use of biologically unique markers to provide secure acc…

gain の用法_24_名詞_2_増加・得ること_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The date lists for this period are in an advanced state of perfection, and the year of the king's reign can usually be given, but there are many new year -- names , every one of which is a gain to knowledge. …

gain の用法_23_名詞_1_増加・得ること_1

本日からは名詞の用法を扱います。 ・When dry matter loss and gain in weight due to moisture content were put together, the total gain was consistent. (乾物損失と水分量による体重増加を合わせると、トータルの増加量は一定であった。) www.google.…

gain の用法_22_自動詞_6_連語_2_gain on[upon] A_2

本日も gain on[upon] A の用法です。 ・Near Lima, the cliffformed shores of San Lorenzo, and on the mainland south of Callao, show that the sea is gaining on the land. (リマ近郊のサン・ロレンソの海岸やカヤオの南の本土では、断崖絶壁になって…

gain の用法_21_自動詞_5_連語_1_gain on[upon] A_1

本日からは自動詞の連語の用法を扱います。 ・I was gaining on him, and if things didn't change, I was going to get him. The man's eyes bulged, his mind reaching the same conclusion. (私は彼を追いつめていた。このままなら、彼を捕まえることにな…

gain の用法_20_自動詞_4_<時計が>進む

本日は「<時計が>進む」の用法を扱います。 ・If for instance a watch gains every day between 5 and 7 seconds how this number is applied to the above terms? (例えば、時計が1日に5秒から7秒進むとしたら、この数字は上記の用語にどのように適用され…