本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Russia will be held responsible for every strike on Ukraine's cities, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his evening video address on Dec. 30. (ロシアはウクライナの都市を攻撃したすべての責任を負うことになる…
本日からは「思う・判断する」の用法を扱います。 ・The intervening years have seen a network of organizations grow up around the issue — groups such as the consortium, and the closely affiliated United Students Against Sweatshops — and put p…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Among other generally held beliefs: Big stars and big concepts do particularly well overseas, representing prime candidates for "day and date" releasing; comedies, not so much. (一般的に信じられていることとし…
本日も前回の用法を扱います。 ・Bemoaning the spiralling human crisis in Gaza, Shavit nonetheless echoed widely held views among liberal Israelis in praising the Jewish state for "finally behaving as a mature nation protecting itself with w…
本日からは「<信念など>を持つ」本用法を扱います。 ・Dua believes AI has the ability to create personalized treatment in the absence of a physician office. She also feels AI can encourage telemedicine innovation and holds strong opinions on …
本日も前回の用法も続きです。 ・The person who provided the training must sign the applicant's logbook or training record after each lesson in accordance with § 61.51(h)(2) of this part. In lieu of the trainer, it is permissible for a quali…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・While many of us struggle to solve the puzzle at all, 22-year-old Feliks Zemdegs from Canberra did it in an incredible 4.22 seconds. But he doesn’t just hold the world record for the fastest time to solve a R…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Roosevelt's popularity was at its peak as the campaign of 1908 neared, but he was unwilling to break the tradition by which no president had held office for more than two terms. Instead, he supported William …
本日からは「保持する・保有する」の用法を扱います。 ・If you are a foreigner trying to find out if you can hold 100% shares in a Singapore company, then this article is for you. We will also tackle if you would need to give any shareholding…
今回も前回の用法の続きです。 ・We also want you to start thinking about the future. What does 2023 hold for you? Where does your health sit in your schedule, and more importantly, your priority list? In 2023 we will be asking you what your…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The debate hall held about 200 spectators and each campaign got 60 tickets. The remaining were distributed by debate sponsor Nexstar. (討論会場には約200人の観客が集まり、各陣営は60枚のチケットを手にした。残り…
本日からは「収容する」の用法を扱います。 ・A cylinder holds 10 liters of water. All of the water is poured into a cube, 50 cm on a side. What is the depth of the water (1 liter equals 1000 cubic cm of water)? (円筒に10リットルの水を入れ、…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・It is appropriate to hold a press conference when you have significant hard news to release and want to convey it to a broad audience. A successful press conference depends on being well-organized and present…
本日からは「開催する」の用法を扱います。 ・The meeting will be held on Sunday, February 3, immediately following the business session, to vote on nominations for officers and members of the Board of Governors of the Association for terms b…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・International Music Competition BOLERO was held for the first time in 2021 and it was organized only for percussionists. Our music school was visited by over 40 competitors from twenty Slovenian and three for…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Press and hold the button for a few seconds, and then release the button to continuously fast-forward at low speed. (ボタンを数秒間長押ししてから離すと、低速で連続で早送りができます。) www.google.co.jp 【研究…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The expert treated a portion of the netting of that dress with a solution of nitro-cellulose, and testified that it flared up in a flash of flame when touched with a lighted cigarette or match. He could not t…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Do you think a man holding a door open for a woman, holding her chair for her when she sits down, or giving up his seat for her are outmoded gestures of politeness or do they still have their place in society?…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・A sign is held on the Bloomington Courthouse Square during a memorial for IU assistant professor of English Don Belton on New Year's Day. Belton was killed in his home by allegedly by Michael James Griffin on…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・For anyone who is reading this I would like to say that there is hope for the future and if you choose to seek the help and support that is provided whilst you live at St Pauls you can get your life sorted an…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Hold your hand up and show someone your palm and it means stop. This can signal for someone to stop coming closer or stop talking. (手を上げて相手に手のひらを見せると、「ストップ」を意味します。これは相手に近…
本日からは「保つ・続ける」の用法を扱います。 ・Today will be filled with memories of Senator Edward Kennedy -- I'll leave the important milestones to other news outlets. Instead, allow me to share a story about the day Sen. Kennedy and his…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Before departing Gemelli Polyclinic late Saturday morning, Francis comforted a Rome couple whose 5-year-old daughter died Friday night at the Catholic hospital. Outside, Serena Subania, mother of Angelica, so…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Charlotte Church is a married woman! The singer announced that she and musician Johnny Powell tied the knot by sharing a photo from their wedding ceremony. In the snap, both Church and her now-husband smile a…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・We started with a hands-on session, mounting a pressed plant specimen (in my case sainfoin, Onobrychis viviifolia Scop. subsp. viciifolia: ‘Scop.’ is Giovanni Antonio Scopoli, (1723–88), a physician and natur…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Then Quayle knelt to speak softly to 4-month-old Mercedes. The little girl, wearing flowered pajamas, gazed up at the vice president, who held her hand gently. (そしてクウェイルはひざまずき、生後4ヶ月のメルセ…
本日からはholdの用法を扱います。本日からは「持っている」の用法を扱います。 ・She held the bag by the bottom and shook it upside down. The object inside thumped on the floor. (彼女はバッグの底を持ち逆さに振ると、中に入っていたものが全て床に…
本日はhand A up[up A]の用法を扱います。 ・Deliverable requests are defined per project type (aka degree programme). For each deliverable there is a time window when uploads are allowed. It is not possible to hand up a document after its de…
本日はhand over to A の用法を扱います。 ・Timepiece repairs can be a bit expensive depending on the branded watch in question. If you hand over to a manufacturer for repairs, it will take considerable amount of time before you get it back.…
本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・The idea of an Interim National Government was a contraption introduced into Nigeria’s grammar of politics and governance by the military administration led by General Ibrahim Babangida when in August 1993, h…