
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


follow の用法_7_他動詞_7_<出来事・期間の後に>続く_1

本日からは「<出来事・期間の後に>続く」の用法を扱います。 ・None of her school work, family troubles, boy troubles, or financial troubles followed her. Her mind felt free. The clouds in the sky towered, as to reach into space. (学校の勉強も…

follow の用法_6_他動詞_6_後を継ぐ

本日は「後を継ぐ」の用法を扱います。・The impressive number of musical instruments that he owned at his death must also have reflected a lifelong , purposeful assembly of tools needed for his profession, even though he never followed his f…

follow の用法_5_他動詞_5_尾行する・追跡する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・“I'm being followed, I think my phone's being tapped, and I've had a number of hang-ups today.” “How do you know you're being followed?” DeSantos asked. (「つけられているし、携帯も盗聴されているようだね。今日…

follow の用法_4_他動詞_4_尾行する・追跡する_1

本日からは「尾行する・追跡する」の用法を扱います。 ・“Follow that car.” “What is this about?” asked the taxi driver. “There is a hundred bucks in it for you if you do,” said Dakota. The taxi driver, who looked like she was college age, shr…

follow の用法_3_他動詞_3_Aの後について行く[来る]_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・I walked to my right to where the stairs were located and then I followed them up to the third floor. I followed the sign, turned right and my room was the second one on the left, number 323. I opened it up a…

follow の用法_2_他動詞_2_Aの後について行く[来る]_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Dressed in shorts and his usual white T-shirt, Blake followed Gary out of the kitchen, passing Lila as she came through the front door. (短パンといつもの白いTシャツに身を包んだブレイクは、キッチンから出てきた…

follow の用法_1_他動詞_1_Aの後について行く[来る]_1

本日からは follow の用法です。 ・Allan and Justin exchanged looks, then shrugged and followed her into the room. Once inside, Rose ordered Justin to lock the door and Allan to go farther into the room and wait with her. (アランとジャスティ…

fly の用法_31_連語_2_on the fly_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Somehow, Trevor would have to come up with an excuse on the fly. Mr. Grace looked up from his work and saw him standing at his door. “Trevor, don't just stand there. Come in, come in.” (どうにかして、トレバー…

fly の用法_30_連語_1_on the fly_1

本日からは連語 (on the fly) の用法を扱います。 ・By taking the guesswork out of operational decision making, companies can tie decisions directly to pertinent business information and make decisions on the fly throughout the enterprise. (…

fly の用法_29_名詞_3_(野球の)フライ

本日は「(野球の)フライ」の用法を扱います。 ・Is a batter out on a ball caught after the first bounce, or must the ball be caught on the fly? This question was the subject of recurring debate for nearly a decade. (最初のバウンドで捕球された…

fly の用法_28_名詞_2_(ズボンの)前開き_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Now, people most fear unintentional and embarrassing public moments, such as finding out your fly is undone or that you have tucked your skirt into your underwear. (今、人々が最も恐れているのは、ズボンのチャ…

fly の用法_27_名詞_1_(ズボンの)前開き_1

本日からは名詞の用法を扱います。 ・I didn't take a leak, so I didn't unzip my fly for the last hour at least. The zipper must have been slowly winding itself down as I walked around. That was the only explanation I could have come up with …

fly の用法_26_動詞の連語_5_send A flying

本日は send A flying の用法を扱います。 ・A kick sent the man flying. He didn't even have time to spit out a mouthful of blood as his entire body was sent flying. He crashed heavily into the blue light pillar. (一蹴りでその男が飛ばされまし…

fly の用法_25_動詞の連語_4_let fly

本日は let fly の用法を扱います。 ・I expected that he'd let fly at me, and perhaps send me packing out of the house right there and then. (彼は私を突然怒鳴り、おそらくその場で私を家から追い出すだろうと思っていました。) www.google.co.jp 【…

fly の用法_24_動詞の連語_3_fly into A

本日は fly into A の用法を扱います。 ・He would fly into temper tantrums, and yet at other moments appear very near despair, often before lashing out again. Staff were rightly concerned and thought a referral for individual therapy might b…

fly の用法_23_動詞の連語_2_fly by the seat of one's pants

本日は fly by the seat of one's pants の用法を扱います。 ・It is important to know how to fly by the seat of your pants. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a nosedive. Following rules can either obscure or enhance the law. The same is t…

fly の用法_22_動詞の連語_1_fly at A

本日からは動詞の連語用法を扱います。本日は fly at A の用法です。 ・He opened the door, his heart pounding with excitement, anticipating the chase. He waited for his caged pet to fly at him in a rage, but there was no movement in the dark r…

fly の用法_21_他動詞_6_<場所から>逃げる

本日は「<場所から>逃げる」の用法を扱います。 ・The weak are obliged to submit to his exactions, or fly the country; and the aumil, unable to reduce the more powerful, is compelled to enter into a disgraceful compromise. (弱者は彼の強要に応…

fly の用法_20_他動詞_7_<凧・旗など>を上げる

本日は「<凧・旗など>を上げる」の用法を扱います。 ・In 1747, American inventor Benjamin Franklin established the link between lightning and electricity during his famous (and dangerous) experiment of flying a kite in a thunderstorm. (1747年…

fly の用法_19_他動詞_4_<特定のランクの座席に>乗る

本日は「<特定のランクの座席に>乗る」の用法を扱います。 ・“As I am accompanying you, I get to fly first class as well. Other than that, we never fly first class.” Amanda laughed, “Tracy if you haven't figured it out yet, I am not in any way…

fly の用法_18_他動詞_3_<特定の航空会社>の飛行機を利用する

本日は「<特定の航空会社>の飛行機を利用する」の用法を扱います。 ・We hope you've enjoyed your flight—it's now safe to exit the aircraft. Thank you for flying US Airlines and have a wonderful evening. (フライトはお楽しみいただけましたでしょ…

fly の用法_17_他動詞_2_<人・物>を運ぶ

次回は「<人・物>を運ぶ」の用法を扱います。・On 10 December, the contingent was officially tasked to proceed to Armenia. That evening the first 87 soldiers and dog teams were flown to the disaster area in Austrian aircraft. (12月10日、部隊…

fly の用法_16_他動詞_1_<飛行機を>操縦する

本日は他動詞の用法を扱います。今回は「<飛行機を>操縦する」の用法です。 ・Aunt Bela made the mistake a lot of people make. Tommy is so laid-back and handsome that folks assume he's a dumb surfer dude. He's actually super smart. I mean, as b…

fly の用法_15_自動詞_15_<時間が>飛ぶように過ぎる_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Sam is sad that his dad is leaving home for a whole year. His dad is in the army. To Sam, a year seems like a lifetime. His father reassures him that he will be home before he knows it, but Sam is skeptical. …

fly の用法_14_自動詞_14_<時間が>飛ぶように過ぎる_1

本日からは「<時間が>飛ぶように過ぎる」の用法を扱います。 ・Then it seems that your youth has flown too—or if it hasn't flown just yet, you can easily imagine a future point in time when you'll feel that it fled long ago. How time flies: we…

fly の用法_13_自動詞_13_風にたなびく

本日は「風にたなびく」の用法を扱います。 ・So is a street at the time of some procession or festivity, when flags are flying from every house. But you will see from what I have said that flags are for other purposes than mere ornament. (行…

fly の用法_18_他動詞_3_<山や海を>飛行機で飛び越える

本日は「<山や海を>飛行機で飛び越える」の用法を扱います。 ・It was the end of his attempt to fly the Pacific. Grace had been contemplating a Pacific flight for five years, but it was Lindbergh's flight to Paris that spurred him to act. For …

fly の用法_12_自動詞_12_急に動いてCになる[fly C]

本日は「急に動いてCになる[fly C]」の用法を扱います。 ・The windows suddenly flew open, a breeze rushing in, the candle snuffed out by it and as Estrela glanced toward the window, her hand flew to her mouth. (突然窓が開いたかと思うと急に風…

fly の用法_11_自動詞_11_<人・電車などが>飛ぶように移動する_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Reanna ran into Erris's room, grabbed her by the hand and they flew down the stairs to the door, where Donald waited with his hat on his head and a wild look in his eyes. (リアナはエリスの部屋に駆け込み、彼女…

fly の用法_10_自動詞_10_<人・電車などが>飛ぶように移動する_1

本日からは「<人・電車などが>飛ぶように移動する」の用法を扱います。 ・Molly remembered Suzanne was always flying around the house, always busy. After school, Suzanne had to come right home now because she had to do the shopping or the laund…