
実際の翻訳案件ではよく見かけるものの、一般の辞書や規範文法書ではなかなか理解できない用法などを集めて解説します。 加えて、辞書では見出語だけで例文がないものも集めて用例解説します。


hand の用法_149_名詞_149_連語_89_the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing

本日は the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing の用法を扱います。 ・The contradictory emails I've gotten from that company lead me to believe that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. (その会社から受け取…

hand の用法_148_名詞_148_連語_88_take A in hand

本日は take A in hand の用法を扱います。 ・A request was sent to the Fishery Department to take the matter in hand, and an expert was detailed to carry out the suggestion. This expert’s idea was to capture fish in the reaches of the Lower …

hand の用法_147_名詞_147_連語_87_strengthen one's hand(s)

本日は strengthen one's hand(s) の用法を扱います。 ・You need strong hands to be a successful basketball player. Even stronger hands are needed to perform basketball tricks like the professionals -- such as palming a basketball. Palming a …

hand の用法_146_名詞_146_連語_86_from hand to hand

本日は from hand to hand の用法を扱います。 ・It reached our meeting place, the cafe called Zlatna Moruna, one night the latter part of April, 1914. To understand how great a sensation that little piece of paper caused among us when it was…

hand の用法_145_名詞_145_連語_85_eat out of A's hand(s)

本日は for one's own hands の用法を扱います。 ・She spent a lot of time advancing the company's project, but in reality, she was doing it for her own hands, to further her own career. (彼女は会社のプロジェクトを進めるために多くの時間を費や…

hand の用法_144_名詞_144_連語_84_eat out of A's hand

本日は eat out of A's hand の用法を扱います。 ・A man in the U.K. used enormous patience to lure backyard birds to fly to him and eat out of his hand — and has been rewarded with stunning pictures. (イギリスのある男性が、裏庭の鳥をおびき寄…

hand の用法_143_名詞_143_連語_83_soil one's hands

本日は soil one's hands の用法を扱います。 ・One can understand the erasure of the experiences and conditions of agricultural labor in Byzantine Studies in part as a replication of the biases inherent in the Byzantine archive itself. Antho…

hand の用法_142_名詞_142_連語_82_sit on one's hands

本日は sit on one's hands の用法を扱います。 ・Brandon Yu well covered the evening, but what I was struck by was the actor’s listening. Before the movie, when Fong-Torres asked him about becoming an actor, Mortensen described a coach who’d…

hand の用法_141_名詞_141_連語_81_show [reveal, tip] one's hand

本日は show [reveal, tip] one's hand の用法を扱います。 ・Pelinka agrees about James' high level of play this season, but he didn't show his hand regarding the makeup of the team around the superstar. For that reason, James said he will pr…

hand の用法_140_名詞_140_連語_80_shake hands

本日は shake hands の用法を扱います。 ・No 10’s scientific advisers warned that the government should tell people not to shake hands on the same day that Boris Johnson boasted about doing so “with everybody” at a hospital where there were …

hand の用法_139_名詞_139_連語_79_ put one's hand in one's pocket

本日は put one's hand in one's pocket の用法を扱います。 ・The mooch woke up and put his hand in his pocket. Then he came out on the platform and walked up to Roy. "All right, Jack," he said. "Give me my money.” Roy shrugged and turned his…

hand の用法_138_名詞_138_連語_78_play (right) into A's hands [the hands of A]

本日からは play (right) into A's hands [the hands of A] の用法を扱います。 ・"It happens, I guess. We weren't very good on the long run," Blaney said. "I felt that we had a great short-run car tonight, and I thought that was going to play …

hand の用法_137_名詞_137_連語_77_out of A's hands

本日は out of A's hands の用法を扱います。 ・“What happens behind the scenes is totally out of our control. It’s out of our hands, the coaches’ hands, the team management’s hands,” said the 36-year-old. (「舞台裏で起きていることは、僕らに…

hand の用法_136_名詞_136_連語_76_out of hand_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・"Okay," he said, secretly pleased to see that Brody had expected him to refuse the offer out of hand. (「わかった」と彼は言ったが、ブロディが彼がその申し出を即座に拒否すると思っていたことを知り、密かに喜んだ…

hand の用法_135_名詞_135_連語_75_out of hand_1

本日からは out of hand の用法を扱います。 ・The fact that this has even crossed my mind gives me pause. I must do something about this shouting match, I decide. As soon as possible. Before things get out of hand. (このことが頭をよぎったと…

hand の用法_134_名詞_134_連語_74_on (the) one hand_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・He was busy preparing for the upcoming exam. On the other hand, his friends were enjoying a fun weekend trip. (彼は迫る試験の準備に忙しかった。その間に、彼の友達は楽しい週末旅行を楽しんでいた。) [ChatGPT] 【…

hand の用法_133_名詞_133_連語_73_on (the) one hand_1

本日からは on the other hand の用法を扱います。 ・On the other hand, cryptoassets as an asset class and outside of the institutional setting, are still recovering for what can best described as a brutal year for the reputation and trust of…

hand の用法_132_名詞_132_連語_72_on (the) one hand

本日は on (the) one hand の用法を扱います。 ・On the one hand, it is true that these States were asked to take a position in respect of a Resolution that enumerates indigenous entitlements couched in the language of rights and duties. (一…

hand の用法_131_名詞_131_連語_71_ on one's hands and knees

次回は on one's hands and knees の用法を扱います。 ・I was on my hands and knees on the cheap linoleum floor. The man was strong. There weren't too many people who could bring me to my knees with a single blow. I'd hardly seen his hand mov…

hand の用法_130_名詞_130_連語_70_on [upon] A's hands_3

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・Imagine where nothing in your everyday life matters and you can prance around all day long with nothing but time on your hands. (日常生活で重要なことが何もなく、一日中、暇を持て余して跳ね回ることができる場所…

hand の用法_129_名詞_129_連語_69_on [upon] A's hands_2

本日も前回の用法の続きです。 ・And when a player has the skills and has trained himself to have the skills to be able to shoot, dribble, left, right, etc. And then you mix that with this calmness and poise, then you have a serious, serious…

hand の用法_128_名詞_128_連語_68_on [upon] A's hands_1

本日からは on [upon] A's hands の用法を扱います。 ・With the CEO out of the country, all decisions are on her hands until he returns. (CEOが国外にいる間、彼が戻るまでのすべての決定は彼女の手にかかっている。) 【研究】A is on B's hands で「A…

hand の用法_127_名詞_127_連語_67_on hand

次回は on hand の用法を扱います。 ・We should have extra food on hand. I know you want to rush to the treasure, but we have to make sure we're prepared. (食料は多めに用意しておくべきだ。宝に駆けつけたいのはわかるけど、準備は万全にしておか…

hand の用法_126_名詞_126_連語_66_on all hands [every hand, either hand]

本日は on all hands [every hand, either hand] の用法を扱います。 ・It is admitted on all hands to be a great evil and to be a great source of demoralization to seamen, and a great and direct source of loss of life and property at sea. (そ…

hand の用法_125_名詞_125_連語_65_off A's hands

本日は off A's hands の用法を扱います。 ・I know that the house we lived in has been in the market for nearly three years because the present owners can't sell it, and I would so gladly take it off their hands. (私たちが以前住んでいた家は…

hand の用法_124_名詞_124_連語_64_off hand

本日は off hand の用法を扱います。 ・Let me take that question for you. I don't know the answer off hand, but I'll try and get that for you. (その質問をお受けしましょう。すぐには答えられませんが、何とかしてお答えしたいと思います。) www.def…

hand の用法_123_名詞_123_連語_63_offer one's hand to A

本日は offer one's hand to A の用法を扱います。 ・I offered my hand to the guy, now thoroughly confused on the floor at my feet, head still jammed into my locker. His friend had rushed over, while a small crowd gathered around us, chatteri…

hand の用法_122_名詞_122_連語_62_live (from) hand to mouth

本日はlive (from) hand to mouthの用法を扱います。 ・People lived from hand to mouth. The boat owners weren't poor. The Ferrantes and Eneas, Compagnos, I think. The ones that fished for them were. The poorer people like us lived along the w…

hand の用法_121_名詞_121_連語_61_lift a[one's] hand to[agaist]A

本日はlift a handの用法を扱います。 ・President Clinton said Saturday that American men have a personal responsibility to combat domestic violence and should "never, never lift a hand against a woman." (クリントン大統領は土曜日、アメリカ人…

hand の用法_120_名詞_120_連語_60_lay one's hands on A

本日はlay one's hands on A の用法を扱います。 ・And if you lay your hands on another hundred people and no one is healed, then you lay your hands on another hundred people because you're in charge. (そして、仮にあなたがさらに百名の方々に手…